Daily Buzz | Planning Board to Discuss Biotech Projects
A short update for a long week.

Good morning!
I don’t know about you, but I’m feeling fatigued with this week.
Buckle up for a super short Buzz.
Today in Burlington
The Planning Board has some things going on today:
- 12:15-12:45 PM - A site walk at 24 Terry Ave. to see improvements. There have been many items on the PB Agenda from 22 Terry Ave, which is being converted to lab/R&D space. I’m not sure if this is the same project, but logic tells me it is. This space is located behind the old Patterson’s building, just off Cambridge Street in the center of town.
- 7:00 PM - Planning Board meets to continue discussions of the projects at 1 Mall Road and 22 Terry Ave, as well as some one-off special permits for things like ground-mounted solar installation and outdoor overnight parking of commercial vehicles. A new public hearing will begin to discuss a proossed project at 3 Burlington Woods Drive. (Join via Webex)
Speaking of the Planning Board, I mistakenly said the interviews for the Assistant Planner position were to fill the position approved by town meeting. While that position does need to be filled, these interviews are actually to fill a position vacated by our Assistant Planner, who moved on to different opportunities in another state. Sorry for the mixup!
That’s it. I’ll be working on some more stories for you, and will hopefully get some time to catch my breath.
Have a great day!