Weekly Buzz | Ice Cream Social This Saturday
And, a packed Select Board meeting awaits us

I hope you’re enjoying the cooldown and that you saw our exciting giveaway thread yesterday. I wanted to let you know there seems to be an issue with comments: while my settings clearly say that non-subscribers should be able to comment and that comments are unlocked, the system is telling some that they must be paid subscribers to comment. I asked around to some of my Substack writer friends and they’re having the same issue. I’ve reached out to support to see what the deal is and I’ll update you as soon as I know. In the meantime feel free to email hello@burlington.buzz with your comment and I’ll post on your behalf! I don’t want you to miss out on the opportunity to enter!
(Or, if you’ve been meaning to become a paying member, you can make today the day! )
This Week in Burlington
This seems like a busy week, considering it’s still summer. Monday, the Select Board and Planning Board will hopefully appoint a candidate to fill the PB’s vacant seat until April. The DEI Committee will also be submitting its second quarterly report to the Select Board - which will undoubtedly be received better than the first. Read on to learn what else is in store for our town this week.
Monday, August 15
- 6:00 PM - Recreation Commission
- 6:00 PM - Select Board
- 7:00 PM - Fox Hill School Building Committee
Tuesday, August 16
- 5:00 PM - Housing Partnership
- 6:30 PM - General Bylaw Review Committee
- 7:00 PM - School Committee
- 7:30 PM - Board of Appeals
Wednesday, August 17
- 7:00 PM - Historical Commission
Thursday, August 18
- 7:00 PM - Planning Board
Friday, August 19
Saturday, August 20
- 10:00 AM - Sculpture Park Ice Cream Social
Sunday, August 21
- Nothing yet!
That’s it for today. Looking forward to starting a new week with you tomorrow!