Daily Buzz | Write This Down: New Twitter Handle for the Buzz
Also, Life Sciences in the Suburbs Conversation at 8:00 this morning

Good morning!
Cool news out of the social spheres today: After a tense exchange with a mortgage guy from Vermont, we have secured the @burlingtonbuzz Twitter handle. I was also able to grab Facebook, but unfortunately Instagram tells me someone already has the name (even though I can’t find the account), so I’m stuck with @buzzburlington over there. Still, as Meat Loaf used to say, Two out of Three Ain’t Bad, so I’ll take it. if you haven’t followed the Buzz on the socials, now’s as good a time as any. Most of my posts are the Daily Buzz, but my RTs and Stories contain important town-wide info, reminders, events, etc.
As always, if you need to get in touch with me, the best way is at hello@burlington.buzz.
Today in Burlington
Meetings and Events
Today starts early, so be sure you’re registered if you want to attend the two conversations that are happening this morning.
- 8:00 AM - Conversation: Life Sciences in the Suburbs, sponsored by the Burlington Area Chamber of Commerce. Registration Required.
- 11:00 AM - Foreign Affairs & Current Events Forum @ the Library. Click the link to register.
- 1:30 PM - Board of Health Subcommittee - Site Visit at 111 Middlesex Turnpike, which is that perpetually flooded parking lot near Wendy’s and Staples. The BoH and some other town officials will be meeting with the property owner to learn how they plan to fix the issue before it freezes and becomes a safety issue. There is a virtual link for this, but I’m not sure if it will be active, as I can’t picture someone bringing around recording equipment for the Webex.
- 5:00 PM - Housing Partnership Committee looks to have a short meeting on the agenda, with updates on Grandview Farms application and 119 S. Bedford Street. (Join online)
- 6:00 PM - WBCN and the American Revolution film screening and book signing at the library
- 6:30 PM - General Bylaw Review Committee will talk about the recent training on how to run effective meetings as well as their various subcommittees and potential articles for January Town meeting. (Join online)
- 7:00 PM - Board of Appeals starts out with an administrative meeting from 7-7:30, and then public hearings begin at 7:30, where they’ll continue discussing the proposed signage for Dr. Lili Tayari on Winn Street.
Sports and Activities
Notice that I’ve updated the name of this section to reflect my desire to include all kinds of activities. However, I don’t yet have a lot of visibility in the way of non-sports-related activities. If you know of an activity that I can include in this section, please let me know! Band? Drama? Robotics? Chess? Video Voyagers? National History Day? Spectrum? All the other things I’m sure I’m missing? Please keep the Buzz in mind when you have an event coming up! Again, email is the most centralized way to get in touch.
Score Updates
- In honor of Senior Night, congrats to our seniors for all their hard work and accomplishments as student athletes.
- In volleyball, we fell to a strong Woburn team yesterday: JVB 0-2; JVA 1-2; Varsity 2-3. Congrats to Player of the Match, Keira Riley.
- In Boys’ Soccer, our Varsity players lost to Watertown 3-0 while our JV team took home a 5-1 win. Our Varsity girls came out on top, too, with a 3-1 victory.
Today’s Schedule
- Field hockey is at home against Melrose tonight, with Varsity playing at 4:00 and JV at 5:30.
- Freshman boys play Melrose in Soccer at 4:15 at home.
- Cross country is in Watertown, with girls running at 4:30 and boys running at 5:00.
Don’t forget about BYSA Soccer Night tomorrow. Games start at 5:30, but the cuteness starts before that, when the 3rd-5th graders escort the Varsity players onto the field; let’s fill the stands in support of our athletes. Note: NEW LOCATION; MSMS Brush Field
Alright, I’m calling it a morning. See you tomorrow!