Daily Buzz | Cardboard Dumpsters Behind Town Hall to Be Removed
And don't forget to sign up for tomorrow's 3A MassDOT forum

Hello, Burlington! Before we get started today, I want to call to your attention an important change to a service many Burlingtonians have come to rely on.
According to the Department of Public Works, the cardboard dumpsters located behind Town Hall will be removed this week. The DPW’s announcement says, in part, “The amount of ‘non-residential’ cardboard being disposed of, as well as continued dumping of cardboard after the dumpsters are full and closed, has become unmanageable for the Town and Republic Services to handle.” The Town is seeking other ways to handle cardboard disposal, but in the meantime they are offering 95-gallon recycling toters to interested residents. You can email the DPW or call them at 781-270-1670 to obtain one.
I also want to remind you to sign up for tomorrow’s Live Virtual Public Informational Meeting about the Route 3A repaving project scheduled to take place between Cook Road in Billerica and Burlington High School in the near future. As discussed a few weeks ago at Select Board, the plan is currently to make many sections of the road one-lane with dedicated bike lanes throughout a good portion of the area. There has been lots of feedback both for and against this change to our current traffic flow. Get your questions answered at this meeting by the agency that will be undertaking this project.
Today in Burlington
Meetings and Events
- 6:00 - Diversity, Equity, Inclusion Committee will talk about the next quarterly report and the future of the Committee. I mentioned this in the Hive Roundup this weekend, but it bears repeating here: The DEIC was commissioned by the Select Board for 1 year, and that year is about to come to the close. At the end of the year, the Select Board will decide whether or not they will continue with their charge. If you have an opinion one way or the other, I recommend emailing your Select Board members. (Join online)
- 7:00 - Historical Commission has their regular meeting.
Nothing else to report today. Have a great Wednesday!