Daily Buzz | Burlington to Add EV Charging Spaces at Town Hall
Also, enjoy the snow day!

Good Morning, Burlington!
All the things are canceled today in anticipation of a storm that looks like it will jog farther south than initially expected but still bring several inches of snow, according to WHDH. Burlington Public Schools, Parks & Recreation, and the Council on Aging will be closed, and trash pickup will be delayed by a day. Many municipal meetings are canceled, as well, though school Committee will proceed as planned, but remotely.
Here are some things you can do, regardless of how much snow we get:
- Apply for a job with the town of Burlington. The town has a lot of job openings, including for Conservation Administrator, Assistant Program Coordinator with Parks & Recreation, Community Outreach Worker with the Board of Health, and more. Check to see what job postings align with your interest and experience.
- Webinar: Parenting in a Time of Insecurity with Dr. Gene Beresin and Dr. Khadijah Booth Watkins, from 7:00-8:00 on Thursday evening via Acton Discovery Museum. Register Now.
Burlington to Add EV Charging Spaces
Last night at Select Board, Department of Public Works Business Manager Rachel Leonardo asked the Select Board for permission to add two additional Electric Vehicle charging spaces to the existing charging facility in the Town Hall parking lot. This initiative will be funded almost entirely by a grant from the state, and the infrastructure is mostly already in place.
Ms. Leonardo also shared with the Select Board and the town at large that, thanks to a Green Communities grant, the Town Hall and Town Hall Annex have been upgraded in accordance with state energy code. The goal is for the town to achieve a 20% reduction in energy usage by the end of 2025, and the DPW is confident the town will reach this goal.
Also at Select Board:
- There will be police presence, as usual, at this year’s elections.
- There was a discussion about the debt exclusion(s) which will certainly appear on one of the town’s fall ballots. No decisions have been made, but importantly if a debt exclusion is on the ballot either during the primary in September or the presidential election in November, the town must run two parallel elections, which cost $25,000-$30,000 each.
- There will be a processional from St. Mark’s Episcopal Church to the United Church of Christ, Congregational, on March 24 to mark Palm Sunday and the beginning of the sacred Christian holiday week.
- Mount Hope, which leases the former Meadowbrook school from the town, is wondering if the town is planning to renew their lease when it comes up in 7 years, or if Burlington will need to reclaim that property for town use. No decisions were yet made.
- The Fire Department responded to 475 calls in January, including 314 emergency medical calls and 5 cardiac arrests. Check on your neighbors during the cold temperatures and heavy snows!
- The Burlington Area Chamber of Commerce Black Tie Gala last week brought in more than $200k to support local charities.
- Lahey Hospital will be holding a White Ribbon Day, the national day of remembrance and action for violence against women, on March 7 at 9:00 AM.
Today in Burlington
Municipal Meetings and Community Events
9:00 AM-2:30 PM - Memorial Elementary Kindergarten Registration (BHS; by appointment only)- POSTPONED - look out for a new date soon- 9:00 AM - Planning Board Sculpture Park Subcommittee will discuss and vote on ordering the pigs for the display on the Town Common between June and September this year. (Virtual)
10:00 AM -Police Station Building Committee(Town Hall Main Hearing Room andVirtual)RESCHEDULED TO 2/1510:15 AM-12:00 PM - Foreign Affairs Discussions Group (Library)- CANCELED5:00 PM -Shawsheen Subcommittee - Organizational Development- will review the administrative pay from the sending communities, review the structure and salary from other MAVA schools, followed by an executive session to discuss non-union salaries. (Shawsheen Miller Conference Room)POSTPONED- 6:00-8:00 PM - Family Night of Computer Science for families with kids in grades K-5 (BHS) - Not canceled as of the Buzz’s writing, but possibly not happening. Keep an eye out for communication from the school district.
- 7:00 PM -
Board of Health’s main discussion tonight will be on the environmental summary on the area of Cambridge Street and Terry Avenue. A few permits and usual reports will also be on the agenda. (Town Hall Main Hearing Room andVirtual)- CANCELED - 7:00 PM - Capital Budget Committee will review the requests for FY25 from the Recreation Department. (Town Hall Annex) - Not canceled as of the Buzz’s writing
7:00 PM -Shawsheen Public Hearingwill focus solely on the FY25 Operating Budget (Shawsheen Miller Conference Room andVirtual)POSTPONED- 7:00 PM - School Committee will vote on their flag policy, following a second read. They’ll also discuss the math curriculum review that’s been underway this year, do a first reading on a social media policy, discuss various budget and capital planning items, and more. (Fully Virtual)
Sports and Activities
Most of today’s games have already been postponed: The boys’ basketball games in Stoneham will be played on Thursday, and the girls’ hockey game in Wellesley will be on Saturday. Freshman boys’ basketball is canceled.
The only games still on the calendar at the time of this writing are the varsity boys’ hockey game in Wakefield at 6:00 and the JV game against Reading at 8:15.
We’ll see you back here tomorrow, neighbor! Have a great day, and here’s hoping there won’t be too much snow to clean up.
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