Daily Buzz | An aSIGNment for you
Sometimes exponential growth is good ☺️

Good Morning, Neighbor!
The last time I heard the term “exponential growth” used in the wild, it was in not such a great context.
If you’re a math nerd like me, though, you know exponential growth can be quite good - especially when you’re starting a movement to connect people who all have something in common.
Yesterday, membership in our little community doubled. I know that’s because the Buzz is new, and growth won’t always be so strong. But, as I said yesterday, the more people we have, the closer and more informed Burlington residents will be. And it could be kinda fun to try and keep up this doubling trend for a bit.
So - I have a little assignment for you. I humbly ask you to forward this email to just one Burlington friend, or tag one friend on Facebook or Twitter. If 100 people sign up today (remember, our population is 27,650!), we’ll keep growing the Buzz and our network of informed citizens.
I’ve also got flyers printed and ready to hang all over Burlington. Do you have a suggestion as to where we should hang them? Drop it in the comments.
I’ll be back tomorrow. In the meantime, don’t forget:
- The Zoning Bylaw Review Committee’s Sign Subcommittee (say that three times fast!) will be meeting this afternoon at 5:30. They’ve got the goal of reworking our outdated sign guidelines for businesses, so if you’re curious or interested in the work they’re doing, you can join via Zoom.
- The Board of Health meets this evening at 7:00 and you can watch via Webex.
Remember! Share the Buzz, and let me know some good spots I can add to my flyer distribution list.
Thanks for your support! I’ll leave you with something that gave me a smile this week (h/t to Lauren L for sharing with my nerdy self):

Catch you on the flip side.