Daily Buzz | Register Today for This Weekend's Flu Clinic

Early voting also begins this Saturday

Daily Buzz | Register Today for This Weekend's Flu Clinic

Good Morning, Burlington!

A few things are going on this weekend that I want to highlight for you now so you can plan your weekend accordingly.

First, the Board of Health’s annual Flu Clinic is happening this Saturday at Memorial School from 9:30-12:30. This is not only a great opportunity for you to receive your vaccine, but it’s also an important training exercise for the Burlington Volunteer Reserve Corps, which supports the Burlington Board of Health in providing a variety of public health services and programs. Registration is required.

Early voting also begins this Saturday and will take place from 9-3 at Town Hall. Be sure you have all your facts before going to the polls, though! If you’re a paid subscriber, you have hopefully already heard my interview with Jonathan Sachs of Yes CPA Burlington on the podcast (If not, you can upgrade right here to get your early access). I am going to interview an opponent to the CPA tomorrow and post both podcasts, free for all listeners, on Friday. After listening, I hope you feel like you have enough information to make a reasoned decision.

The Friends of the Library Sale will be happening Friday through Sunday.

Today in Burlington

Meetings and Events

  • 5:30 PM - BYSA Soccer Night, now at MSMS Brush Field. Come help us fill the stands as our Girls’ and Boys’ Varsity Soccer teams take on Melrose! Our 3rd-5th grade BYSA players will escort the Varsity players onto the field for each game; girls play at 5:30 and boys at 7:30. Concessions will be available for purchase throughout.
  • 6:00 PM - Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Committee will discuss the third quarterly report that they’ll be presenting to the Select Board at their next meeting. (Join online)
  • 7:00 PM - Historical Commission will talk about Halloween at the West School, the CPA, and the third grade field trip, among other things.

Sports and Activities

Score Update

In field hockey, the Varsity girls’ game against Melrose ended in a 1-1 tie. Congrats to Mia Lauder for the tying score with only 2:16 left on the clock. The JV team pulled out a 2-1 victory with scores by Audrey Otis, assisted by Tayah Fulciniti, and Bella Fine.

Boys' cross country had two meets yesterday. Against Stoneham, they won handily, with Burlington boys filling all but one of the top 9 places on the scoresheet. They also won in Watertown yesterday, and the team is now 4-0 with just one matchup to go.

Girls took a W against Watertown in cross country, too, giving them a 1-3 record. Way to go, runners!

Today’s Schedule

  • JV Soccer plays at home against Melrose, with both boys and girls playing at 4:15.
  • Varsity Soccer hosts Melrose for Soccer Night at Brush Field; girls play at 5:30 and boys at 7:30.
  • Volleyball is in Stoneham, with Freshman and JV playing at 4:30 and Varsity at 5:45.

I hope you have a great Wednesday, neighbors!
