Daily Buzz | Light Up the Common for Domestic Abuse Awareness
And Select Board to discuss use of the Town Common

Good morning, neighbor,
There are a lot of new folks here this week, and I want to send you all a quick hello! Thank you for subscribing, for supporting this one-woman local news show, and for caring about your community. If you want to know a little more about me and why I do this thing, I suggest reading my manifesto.
I have been delivering daily news into Burlington inboxes since February, and I don’t plan on stopping anytime soon. In fact, I’ve been working with my leadership coach at the Google News Initiative to plan the next phase of this business. I’ve got some exciting ideas, and you can expect some positive changes in the new year.
In the meantime, if you appreciate the work I do and want to support it financially, you can purchase a paid subscription. Subscribers get early access to podcasts (right now the interview with John Sanchez about the state of Burlington water is on fire) and will also get first crack at merchandise when I eventually have the capital to design and purchase some.
I’m sure there will be other perks in the future, but the reality is that I really want the information I provide to be available to everyone for free - and supporting the Buzz is more of a show of support for a local author, business owner, and mom who is providing a service for our town. Below are a couple ways to contribute. Thank you for being here!
Today in Burlington
Short agenda for Select Board tonight, but that doesn’t mean the meeting will be short. Use of the Town Common is back on the agenda. In the past the discussion of a community flagpole has coincided with discussion of the use of the Common. I don’t know for sure if that will come back tonight, but if you have thoughts or input I recommend tuning in.
- 5:30 PM - Saheli tree lighting on the Common for domestic abuse awareness. Saheli is a Burlington-based organization that provides “non-judgmental culturally sensitive services to domestic and sexual violence survivors from South Asia and the Middle East.” See their website for more information.
- 6:00 PM - Select Board will appoint a new Fire Chief, approve the November Election Warrant and Employee Health Care rates, hold a public hearing about a change in management for Al Maidah Indian Cuisine, and more. At the end, they’ll continue the discussion about the use of the Town Common. (Join online)
Yesterday’s Scores
- Anecdotally, it looks like Arlington gave our soccer players some tough games yesterday. I know the JV boys fell to Arlington’s team 2-0, but the rest of the scores aren’t posted online yet.
Today’s Schedule
- 3:30 - Boys’ Varsity golf against Melrose in Billerica
- 4:00 - Boys’ and Girls’ Varsity cross country at Wakefield
- 4:00 - Girls’ Freshman and Varsity field hockey at home versus Arlington
- 4:15 - Boys’ and Girls’ Freshman soccer against Arlington - boys at home and girls away
- 5:30 - Girls’ JV field hockey against Arlington
That’s it for today. See you tomorrow!