Daily Buzz | Adopt a Storm Drain to Help Prevent Flooding
Plus, ELPAC meets tonight

Good morning, Burlington!
Quick correction from yesterday: the WBCN and the American Revolution film screening is Tuesday, not Wednesday. Sorry ’bout that!
The Conservation Commission is asking residents to work together to help keep our drains clear in the case of storms and, later in the season, melting snow. Take a moment when you leave your home in the next week and note the closest 2 or 3 storm drains - and then keep an eye on them. If one becomes covered, take a moment to clear it of any leaves or other debris. Obviously, you can do this whenever you notice a blocked drain - not just near your home.
Yesterday on a 2.5-mile walk through my neighborhood, I noticed several drains that were blocked with leaves - something I might not have taken note of if not for BCAT’s report of the Conservation Commission’s appeal to Adopt a Storm Drain!
Today in Burlington
Meetings and events
- 12:00 PM - Disability Access Commission will discuss an update to the updated fine for parking in handicap spaces.
- 4:00 PM - Diwali storytime at the library, best for children ages 4-8. Register here. Diwali is a 5-day celebration that begins on 10/22 this year, and the official date of celebration this year is 10/24.
- 6:00 PM - English Learner Parent Advisory Council (ELPAC) meeting at MSMS
- 6:00 PM - Recreation Commission meets and will discuss, among other things, using revolving funds for some office improvements.
- 7:30 PM - Information Systems Security Advisory Committee (ISSAC) meets to discuss Cybersecurity Month acvities and check in on implementation of our cybersecurity policy. (Join online)
Tonight’s Schedule
- Our Volleyball team plays Woburn today, with Freshmen and JV playing at 4:15 and Varsity at 5:30
- Girls’ soccer plays Watertown at home today. JV and Varsity are both scheduled for 4:15.
- Boys’ soccer plays in Watertown, with JV playing at 4:15 and Varsity at 7:00.
- Girls’ swim takes on Winchester at 4:30 at the Woburn Boys & Girls Club.
That’s it for today. See you tomorrow!