Daily Buzz | Select Board Mission Statement to be Updated
Plus, find out how Burlington students did in the National History Day State competition

Hey there, a few bite-sized chunks for you today.
Burlington Students Put Up a Performance to Remember in National History Day State Competition
Last month, nearly 30 of our middle- and high-school students advanced to the state National History Day competition. They’ve been working to refine their presentations, and their hard work paid off this Saturday in Winchester, as many students brought home awards and some even advanced to Nationals. Find out about our amazing historians here. Congratulations to all who competed.
Write-in Results Are Still Coming In
While ballots aren’t yet certified, here is where things appear to stand currently.
- Steve Wasserman made Housing Authority.
- Amanda Laskowski won Precinct 1 Town meeting.
- We actually might be able to fill the Library Trustees seat with write-in votes.
Congratulations to these elected officials! Full results still in process; you can check here.
Select Board Recap
The Select Board met last night, joined for a short time by the DEI Subcommittee.
- Nick Priest is now the Chair, and Mike Runyan is Vice-Chair. Mike Espejo joined the Board following the election.
- Citizen’s Time will be moved to the beginning of Select Board meetings starting at the 4/25 meeting.
- The Common will be lit up green for Children’s Mental Health Awareness week from May 1-7.
- The Common will be used for sunrise Easter service this Sunday; a sign will go up tomorrow advertising the event.
- There will be a very small block party! If you’re invited, you’ll know.
- Around 9 minutes - DEI Subcommittee presented their recommendations regarding updating the bullet of the Select Board’s Mission Statement that refers to community. The Board voted 3-2-0 to make the suggested changes. Member Runyan suggested the entire mission statement needs to be rewritten, rather than focusing on the single bullet, so maybe a complete rewrite will be on the agenda in coming weeks?
- Plans are also in the works to have a more open discussion (described as public, but with rules) about Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion in Burlington.
- Around 22 minutes - A license was granted 4-1-0 for an online auto sales business.
- Around 30 minutes - Looks like there will be a Strega going in where Del Frisco’s used to be. (I’m still crying about Del Frisco’s, but maybe Strega can dry my tears. Looking forward to trying it out.)
- Around 38 minutes - Verizon was granted permission to run some conduit to support a future 5G project.
- Around 41 minutes - The Board took positions on some articles for May Town Meeting.
- Around 1:29 - We might be receiving some grant money for the MWRA connection.
- Around 1:30 - Dr. BJ Addison Reid and the DEI Subcommittee were invited to speak more about Dr. Addison Reid’s recent letter to the Select Board.
Today in Burlington
There’s not much on the meeting agenda today, but the Board of Health and School Committee both welcome their newest members tonight at 7.
- 7:00 - Board of Health meets to discuss, among other things, the reorganization of the Board.
- 7:00 - School Committee meets for their regular meeting, during which they’ll review the school calendar and get updates about some ongoing items.
We’ll see you back here tomorrow,