Voting Continues for Burlington Local Election

Burlington's local election is coming up on April 6, and early voting is happening as we speak. Here's a brief timeline for you:
- Register to vote by tomorrow, May 27. Then, you can:
- Request a vote-by-mail ballot until April 1, or
- Head over to the Town Clerk's Office (at Town Hall, 29 Center Street) during business hours to cast your vote between now and April 4, or
- Vote in person on Election Day, April 6, 2024, from 8:00 AM-8:00 PM at Burlington High School. If you vote by mail, your ballot needs to be received by the end of Election Day, 8:00 PM on April 6.
Before you vote, though, make sure you know what and who you're voting for! We're working on getting together a Voting FAQ, but in the meantime you can head on over to the Local Election section of our brand new website! Start here for a sort of Table of Contents to point you to more information about all the candidates.
You can also attend the Candidates' Afternoon today at the Council on Aging and hear from candidates for select roles.