Daily Buzz | FriYay

A recap and a smile

Daily Buzz | FriYay

Hello and happy Friday to you!

I hope many of you were able to make it out to Burlington’s anniversary celebration last night. I also hope you were able to get the Rec Department classes you hoped for. One thing I was sure to sign up for were the Burlington Walks! These are guided walks one Tuesday per month from 5:30-6:30 through some of our town’s recreation areas.

  • April 12 - Mary PC Cummings Estate
  • May 10 - Sawmill Brook
  • June 14 - Landlocked Forest

Speaking of our recreation areas, the Conservation Commission is responsible for, among other things, maintaining them. The profile of the Conservation Commission is finally finished, and you can read it here!

The Planning Board met last night (and I was also able to upload my profile of the Planning Board here!):

  • The Broad Institute (rhymes with road) was granted two special permits for hazardous waste for a new biotech facility in the last remaining undeveloped lot in Network Drive (across from DCU and Starbucks on Middlesex Turnpike).
  • A discussion about rezoning the area where Real School of Music and FedEx are on Middlesex Turnpike with frontage to Adams Street was continued until the next meeting.
  • Property owners want to build four additional buildings where the parking lots are at Network Drive (continued).
  • Novaya, who proposes building around 90 residential units in the area in the Roger’s Piano location came to discuss what the development might look like. This is just a petition for rezoning to residential, and not a site plan, which will need to be approved separately by Planning Board after the rezoning is approved (assuming it passes TM with a 2/3 vote). There are several concerns with this proposal: traffic; whether or not we need that many residential units; how affordable housing might be incorporated; whether or not our municipal services can handle this addition in residential space. The proponent is willing to be flexible with the plan. This was continued, and may or may not make it to Town Meeting for May.
  • The Gutierrez Company was granted some special permits for a biotech site at 4 Burlington Woods Drive (near the Marriott).

It’s a light day today in Burlington. The only thing on the agenda is the Sculpture Committee, which meets at noon and will be discussing, among other things, how the call to artists is going.

Candidates for office will begin receiving an invitation to complete a Candidate Guide questionnaire on the Burlington Equity Coalition website in the coming days. This is the perfect way to get your platform out to a huge number of eligible voters, so I encourage anyone running for office this April to fill out and submit the form as soon as you can. One of the biggest barriers to voter turnout is lack of awareness. Here’s your chance to raise awareness!

And, finally, I couldn’t resist some English language humor with this Friday Funny. Say it aloud.

Have a great Friday. See you tomorrow!
