Town Meeting Attendance Winter 2022
Overall attendance was 78%

PRESS RELEASE from Amy Warfield, Burlington Town Clerk
March 5, 2022
Burlington has recently held its Winter Representative Town Meeting. Due to legislative requirements we held the meeting on February 16th. Thanks to our State Rep. Ken Gordon for helping the town with moving forward legislation that did allow us to run a Hybrid format meeting. The summary of the attendance is 99 members attended, for 78% attendance. The breakdown per precinct was PCT 1 - 16 for 89% attendance; PCT 2 - 11 for 61% attendance; PCT 3 - 15 for 83% attendance; PCT 4 - 16 for 89% attendance; PCT 5 - 11 for 61% attendance; PCT 6 - 14 for 78% attendance; PCT 7 - 16 for 89% attendance, Burlington's next Town Meeting will be held on Monday, May 9th. For more information on the Articles that will be covered, be sure to check out our website
The file summarizing Town Meeting attendance for the last 11 sessions can be found below in .pdf format.