Bylaw Changes Seek to Codify Existing Practice, Reverse Previous Town Meeting Decision

Bylaw Articles for January Town Meeting include allowing recreational cannabis sales as well as changes to the bylaws relating to Animal Control and the Land Use Committee.

Bylaw Changes Seek to Codify Existing Practice, Reverse Previous Town Meeting Decision

Three General Bylaw Articles are on the agenda for Burlington's January Town Meeting, which begins on January 27 and might continue through January 29. While two of these Articles are about codifying what Burlington already does, the other seeks to overturn a decision made by Town Meeting several years back.

In 2016, the Commonwealth of Massachusetts voted to permit recreational marijuana sales statewide. There was an out, though, allowing towns whose citizens had voted in opposition to the law to institute a local ban. And, with 54% of Burlington residents voting "No," that's just what Burlington did. In 2017, as reported by BCAT, Town meeting voted to prohibit recreational marijuana sales in town. But, says Article 17's proponent, Will Seagaard, a Burlington resident whose proposal is sponsored by Town Meeting member, Alex Rutfield, that was a while ago and Burlington has an opportunity now to benefit from both the progress and learning made around the state over the last seven years and the tax revenue recreational cannabis could bring in.

This proposal has been postponed twice, and its accompanying zoning bylaw amendment has been pulled from this Town Meeting, as well. The Select Board has also discussed placing this question as a non-binding referendum on the town's April local election ballot, though no final decisions have been made. A yes vote would mean that, in theory, recreational cannabis sales would be allowed in Burlington. However, no shops could open until zoning is in place.

Article 18 proposes officially moving the Animal Control Officer(s) under the Police Department's jurisdiction, which is the way the position is currently structured anyway. This amendment would also allow the role to be filled by a non-Burlington resident.

The Land Use Committee, the body tasked with advising the town regarding various issues of, well, land use, is seeking with Article 19 to expand their scope relative to the bylaw, laying out their work more clearly and adding the ability to interface with, and advise, more than just Planning Board and Town Meeting on zoning issues. The backup states,

Over the last several decades, the Burlington LUC has worked on advising the Town on many important topics, such as PDD reform, recycling, protection of conservation land and the uses of other land, lighting pollution, etc. Recent topics discussed at LUC meetings and with the Boards and Committees include sustainable development, climate change issues such as flooding and heat islands, and electricity aggregation. The LUC has liaisons with the town’s Planning Board, Select Board, Zoning Bylaw Review Committee, Conservation Commission and others as necessary, and makes recommendations to the Boards, Committees and to Town Meeting as appropriate.

There are also financial and zoning bylaw articles on the Warrant for January 27. Check out the Buzz's full Warrant summary.

Burlington's January 2025 Town Meeting begins on Monday, January 27, at 7:00 in the BHS auditorium. Official Town documentation includes the Warrant, the Warrant Backup, zoning detail, and the town and school budgets as a reference.