Hive Exclusive: Town Meeting Vote Your Choice Update
tl;dr: Don't forget to vote!

Good Morning, Neighbors!
This is just a short note reminding you to vote your choice on the three pilot questions for Town Meeting on TownVote. Currently, the voting looks like this:

This is great! People are voting! But if you look closely, you’ll see that each Issue has only 6 or 7 votes—which, as anyone who took statistics can tell you, is nowhere near the realm of statistical significance.
I’d love to get to a point where there are 50 or 100 votes from Hive members here, so we can have some meaningful information to prove out the TownVote concept.
If you’ve never used VoteLight before, signing up as a voter is easy:
- Go to
- At the top right corner of the screen, click “New User Signup” and then click “Voter.”
- Verify your email.
- Enter your address information (required to verify your location and match you with the appropriate state and local Issues.
That’s it. You should see the local Issues pop up on your screen, and you can begin voting and asking questions. You can also create your own issues if there’s something you think the town should weigh in on, which is a benefit of this civic platform!
Just a note: The only elected officials who are currently able to claim their profiles are members of the Select Board, Planning Board, and School Committee. We’re in discussions about extending that participation to other elected offices, like Town Meeting, but that’s not available quite yet! If you’re not on one of the three above-mentioned Boards/Committees, you can record your vote, ask questions, etc., as a citizen/voter.
Any questions or feedback, please reach out to me.
Thank you and don’t forget to vote!