Weekend Buzz | Burlington U12s Get One More Shot at Nationals
Plus, another new sculpture joins Burlington

Good morning!
Short and very sweet today.
Our U12 baseball players might have come second in the state championship, but they will have one more chance at going to nationals this weekend, as Burlington hosts the regional championships. Read more, and learn what exactly happened last Friday night, in Tony’s writeup here. And don’t be surprised if there’s a little extra traffic getting around Simonds Park this weekend.
Installation season has almost come to a close, and this week we’ve been joined by a dancer in the center of town. Created by artist John Bonsignore, the sculpture’s name is Meadow Dancer, and it stands 8.5’ tall with an equal wingspan!
Stop by and see it today!
Don’t forget that my interviews with Mara Dolan and Marilyn Petitto Devaney, candidates for Governor’s Council, unlock today at noon. You’ll get an email about each of them; I’m looking forward to hearing what you think! My interviews with our candidates for state representative, Timmy Sullivan and Ken Gordon, will be released in 2 weeks!
That’s it for me. Off to take my kiddo on a belated birthday adventure.
Have a lovely day!