Daily Buzz | Burlington Soccer Players Wrap Up Successful Summer League Season
Regular seasons to begin soon

Good morning neighbor!
It’s taken me too long, but I finally have the story I promised you last week - and it happens to be a sports story! Thanks for your patience, and thanks to Willson Herrera for the intel and the photos.
High School Summer Soccer
A number of boys from the Burlington High School soccer team recently wrapped up a successful summer league season. This was the boys’ first year in the Spartans Soccer League, and they came up against teams from across Massachusetts - including Grafton, Holliston, Medway, Uxbridge, Bromfield, Nipmuc, Leicester, W. Springfield and Douglas. With a record of 6 wins, 2 losses and 2 ties, our boys finished 4th in their respective division. They won both their playoff games in exciting fashion, with both games going to penalty kicks, but missed advancing into the finals by a 3-goal differential.
The team was led by senior captains Connor Herrera and James Burke and made up of upcoming freshman (Josh Newhall), Sophomores (Nick Abbot, Arthur Mose, Daksh Shah, Ilran Santos, Mason Giordano, Max Leavitt, Rohan Dutta, Josh Parkin), Juniors (Simone Pastore, Colin Irwin) and Seniors (Alex Healy, Cooper Visco, Theo Visco, Dominic Porter, Joey Mirra, John Mirra, Ryan Moradei, Sam Parkin, Simon Razzaghi, Tyley Basile and Zach Aloisi).
Special thanks to Chris Newhall and Tim Burke for volunteering their time over the summer to coach these young men. They are now looking ahead to the fall high school season. Well done, boys, and best of luck this season!
Burlington Today
Just a couple meetings today.
- 12:00 PM - Board of Registrars/Town Clerk meet to test the voting Tabulator Machines for the State Primary Election, coming up on September 6. This test is open to the public and will be held in the Town Hall Main Meeting Room.
- 7:00 PM - Board of Health meets to discuss some restaurant things (Dunks on Wilmington Road - my personal Dunks, so I’m very interested in this agenda item - as well as San Soo Kap San sushi) and some animal permits. (Join online)
That’s it for today! Have a great day, friend!