Daily Buzz | Burlington Baseball Players Put Up a Great Showing at Districts
Plus, how to support this one-woman show

Good morning!
It was so great meeting so many of you yesterday at Pride out on the Common. It was a HOT one, but it was great to see so many friends and meet new ones.
Sports | Baseball Districts Bring Excitement for Some; Disappointment for Others
Speaking of friendly faces, I’m super excited to welcome a new contributor to the Buzz. I can’t promise any particular frequency, but Tony Salamone will be joining us from time to time to do some sports reporting. He kicks off his tenure today with a report on the Baseball District Tournament, which took place over the last week. Thanks, Tony, for your help with this!
If anyone else wants to join Tony on the Unpaid-Yet-Very-Much-Appreciated Contributor bench, just reach out.
Burlington Today
I missed a couple items yesterday and wanted to be sure you knew about them:
- Rules Committee is supposed to meet at 7 tonight, and Town Moderator Bill Beyer will be their guest. You may recall that last time they met, they spoke about how May Town Meeting went and started thinking of ways to improve Town Meeting. So, as the guy who runs Town Meeting, Bill will likely be adding to these discussions tonight!
- The third monthly Community Dinner will be held on Wednesday from 5:30-7 at the Presbyterian Church. All are welcome, regardless affiliation (or non-affiliation).
Okay, here’s what you already knew from yesterday.
- 5:00 PM - Select Board Interviews for Town Accountant
- 6:00 PM - Select Board (Join via WebEx)
Seems like a short list, but the Select Board agenda is stuffed with proclamations, updates, discussions, appointments, presentations, and approvals. They’ll be talking about Pride Month and Recreation Month, the full outdoor watering ban that’s in effect, make appointments to town committees, and maybe hire a Town Accountant after the interviews they held just before the meeting?
We’ll know soon.
Supporting the Buzz
One of the most common questions I heard yesterday was, “How do you have time to do this?” (I don’t have a good answer to this one - I use time I used to use for other things, like exercise and sleep.) The other most common question was whether I get paid for doing it. The short answer is that, no, I don’t get paid. I’m a one-woman show providing what I see as a important public service, and one I hope and believe my fellow community members find useful.
The way I sustain my ability to do the Buzz is by monthly, annual, and one-time contributions from readers. If you’re interested in doing that, I’d love for you to smash that subscribe button and select a $5 monthly or $50 annual membership - or, you can name your own number over $50 for your annual membership.
If recurring memberships aren’t your thing, you can also give a one-time contribution at my Ko-Fi site.
If you don’t like signing up for things, my Venmo is open. If you don’t like online payment, you’re welcome to send me a check. (Contact me privately for that info.)
While the Buzz will always be generally free, I welcome all contributions, because that helps me bring you all the fun things that I wouldn’t be able to fit in otherwise! (Like the long list of podcasts I’ve got in the works!)
Also, don’t forget to share the Buzz with everyone you know in Burlington - especially youngsters 18-35. It’s important we’re all connected with what’s going on in our town!
Thanks, everyone for your lasting support. Have a great day!