Weekly Buzz | School Building Project Community Forum This Tuesday
And more details on affordable senior housing unit

Good Morning, Burlington!
I hope you’re enjoying your weekend. I know I’m not quite ready to dive into a week of structure after last week’s loose rules.
A few things to keep an eye on this week and beyond:
The Elementary School Building Committee will host its second Community Forum on Tuesday, where they’ll lay out the preliminary cost estimates for each of the options for the Fox Hill (/Pine Glen) project. The event will be virtual; see below for details.
Apply for the 2-bedroom, 2-bathroom, accessible affordable senior housing unit at Grandview Commons by July 17. The application and announcement flyer are at the bottom of this post.
This Week in Burlington
Meetings and Events
As always, the library events highlighted here are just a smattering of what’s offered. For the full schedule, visit the full Calendar of Events.
Monday, July 10
- 9:00 AM - Fox Hill School Building Project - Executive & Communication Working Group (Virtual)
- 9:00 AM - Shawsheen School Committee - Retreat (Shawsheen Tech)
- 12:00 PM - Select Board Alcohol Subcommittee (Town Hall)
- 5:30 PM - Zoning Bylaw Review Committee Sign Subcommittee (Virtual)
- 6:00 PM - Recreation Commission (BHS)
- 6:30 PM - Burlington Club 50: Game Night at the library
- 7:00 PM - Chess Club at the library
Tuesday, July 11
- 10:30 AM - Kids N’ Harmony Music Show at the library (Register)
- 11:00 AM - Free Blood Pressure Screening at the Library
- 7:00-9:00 PM - Burlington Elementary School Community Presentation (Virtual)
- 7:00 PM - Information Systems Security Advisory Committee (ISSAC) (Virtual)
Wednesday, July 12
- 8:30 AM - Planning Sub Sculpture Park (Virtual)
- 6:30 PM - Zoning Bylaw Review Committee (Virtual)
- 6:45 PM - Ways & Means Subcommittee TH1 (Town Hall)
- 7:00 PM - Ways and Means (Town Hall and Virtual)
- 7:00 PM - An Evening with Bestselling Author Lisa See (Library event; Register)
- 7:00 PM - Teen Escape Room at the library - Haunted Schoolhouse (Register)
Thursday, July 13
- 11:00 AM - Mystery make and take craft at the library (Register)
- 4:00 PM - Forensic Science Road Show for Grades 3-6 (Library event; Register)
- 6:00 PM - Fox Hill School Building Committee Joint School Committee (Virtual)
- 6:30 PM - Conservation Commission (Town Hall and Virtual)
- 7:00 PM - Library Trustees (Burlington Public Library)
Friday, July 14
- 10:30 AM - Friday Flicks & Crafts at the library
- 10:30 AM - Craft & Chat at the library
Saturday, July 15
- 11:00 AM - Teen volunteer: Bead Sorting for library craft programs (Entering Grades 7-12; Register)
Sunday, July 16
- Library closed
That’s all I’ve got for you; if you have an event you’d like me to add, please just email me at hello@burlington.buzz!
See you tomorrow!