Weekly Buzz | Education Commissioner "Impressed" After Visit to Burlington High
Drone program, internships, and college credit among the points of pride

Hello, Burlington!
The Castleberry Faire in Wilmington is going on this weekend, and today is the last day. It ends at 4:00 and looks to be chock full of original and interesting items, showcasing the work of more than 250 small businesses! Head on over to the Shriners Auditorium and check it out.
Education Commissioner “Impressed” After Visit to Burlington High
Did you know Burlington High School has a drone program, and students can be certified as drone pilots? That’s just one thing State Education Commissioner, Jeff Riley, learned during his recent visit to BHS. While he was there, he was also able to get a feel for more of what makes BHS unique, including the robotics and STEM programs, the PreK-12 computer science program, and the student-run help desk.
Another point of conversation was the flipped internship model offered by BPS, in which business partners bring their internships to the students rather than students having to travel to them. Ninety-five percent of seniors at BHS participate in paid internship programs! Students can also earn up to 15 college credits from local community colleges prior to graduation.
Overall, the Commissioner was impressed with the course offerings, student engagement, and collaborative atmosphere of BPS.
Thanks to School Committee Member Katherine Bond for your help with this story!
This Week in Burlington
Municipal Meetings and Community Events
Monday, November 27
- 6:00 PM - Select Board (Town Hall Main Hearing Room and Virtual)
- 7:00-8:00 PM - Teen Painting Night - Grades 6-12. (Library; Register)
Tuesday, November 28
- 8:30-9:00 AM - Ways and Means DPW/Recreation Subcommittee
- 1:00-7:00 PM - Red Cross Blood Drive - Schedule your appointment by calling 1-800-RED-CROSS (Sponsor Code: Burlington) (American Legion, 162 Winn Street, Burlington)
- 5:00 PM - Shawsheen Policy Subcommittee (Shawsheen Tech)
- 6:30 PM - BHS Building Committee (BHS School Committee Room and Virtual)
7:00 PM - Board of Health Meeting[CANCELLED]- 7:00 PM - Shawsheen School Committee (Shawsheen Tech and YouTube)
- 7:00-9:00 PM - FRIENDS Theme Trivia hosted by Quirk Events - 100% Proceeds to the Matthew Perry Foundation (Common CraftRegister)
Wednesday, November 29
- 8:00 AM - Sculpture Park Meeting (Virtual)
- 5:30 PM - Community Dinner at the Presbyterian Church - no cost and all are welcome. Tired of Thanksgiving leftovers, or just running out? The dinner will have something fresh! Gluten free and vegan options available. (335 Cambridge Street)
- 6:00-9:00 PM - Joint Planning Board Meeting With Conservation Commission and Land Use (Town Hall Annex Basement Meeting Room and Virtual)
- 6:00 PM - Recreation Commission (BHS School Committee Room)
- 7:00 PM - Democratic Town Committee hosts Guest Speaker: PowerUp 01945 Founder Megan Sweeney speaks about inspiring volunteer civic engagement. (Grand View Farm and Virtual, Registration Required via email)
Thursday, November 30
- 10:30-11:30 AM - Music, Games, and Stories With ABC Spanish in Motion - Ages 3-5, older children welcome. (Library; Register)
- 12:30-3:00 PM - Bridge club (Human Resources Building, 2nd floor)
- 7:00-8:00 PM - Q&A with Author & Audiobook Narrator Travis Baldree (Virtual; Register)
Friday, December 1
- 6:30 PM - Movie Night at Memorial School (Memorial students only)
Saturday, December 2
- 11:00 AM-12:00 PM - Scrapbook Holiday Wreaths - K-5 with Parents (Library; Register)
- 11:00 - 3:00 PM - Car Seat Event - Burlington Police Traffic Unit will check car seats (Behind Kohl’s at 3 Great Meadow Road)
- 3:00-4:00 PM - Teen Event: Beading Snowflakes - Grades 6-12. (Library; Register)
- 7:00 PM - Holiday Wreath Workshop Fundraiser (Made in Burlington; Tickets)
Sunday, December 3
- 4:00 PM - Tree Lighting (Burlington Town Common)
- 4:30 PM - Wood Christmas Gift Workshop (Made in Burlington; Tickets)
Sports and Activities
The Devils fell short this Thanksgiving, losing 34-19 to Bedford.
Tryouts and practices for winter sports begin this week, as well as at least one exhibition game. That’s basketball, hockey, wrestling, gymnastics, boys’ swim, and indoor track & field. Lots of these teams went far last year; we’re excited to see what they do this year!
Have a wonderful week, everyone!
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