New Bus Contract in the Works for Burlington Public Schools
Some wonder if the new bus contract will bring more reliability and satisfaction.

The School Committee is, after much anticipation, ready to sign a new bus contract. But at least one School Committee member is concerned, because the new company shares an owner with the current bus company, which parents, schools, and School Committee members have been complaining about for years.
When it's time for a new bus contract (or any other contract), the district must engage in a prescribed process where they put out a Request for Proposals (RFP) and publicize it for a certain period, then review the bids and accept the "lowest responsive, responsible bidder," said Burlington Pubic Schools Business Manager, Nichole Coscia, at the March 26 School Committee meeting. The RFP for a new bus contract was put out on February 23, and two vendors responded. That might sound low, but in this area, says Coscia, many districts only receive one response.
The lowest responsive, responsible bidder turned out to be North Reading Transport, which is owned by the same parent company as the district's current bus company, Trombly Motor Coach.
Many community members have been unhappy with the reliability of the current bus company, said School Committee member, Christine Monaco. Some conditions added into the new contract will hopefully enhance families' and schools' satisfaction as the new bus contract gets underway, including a financial penalty for late buses and an app that parents will be able to use to track buses and know where their children are in real time.
The district can't sign this new five-year bus contract without permission from Town Meeting, which must approve any contract over three years. Expect to see this request on the Warrant at May's Town Meeting.