Fox Hill Tours to be Held for the Public

This time last year, Burlington's Fox Hill Elementary School was in the news quite a bit. That's because the Committee in charge of making decisions about the future of the school building was faced with the choice of whether to rebuild a single Fox Hill school or combine the Fox Hill and Pine Glen Elementary Schools on the Fox Hill site.
The decision was made not to combine the schools, but the conversation about the fate of the school is no less important, as Town Meeting still must vote in September on whether or not to approve the funding for the new school. The project was accepted into the Massachusetts School Building Authority program, and the district has been participating in the MSBA process for several years. Assuming the MSBA board approves the proposed schematic design at the end of this month, the state will reimburse the town to the tune of tens of millions of dollars if the town's legislative body votes to let the project go ahead.
In order to keep the public informed about the Fox Hill process, the district is hosting two open houses where Town Meeting members and the general public can view the existing conditions of the 1960s building and why the district has chosen to proceed with the project. These Fox Hill tours will take place on Monday, August 12, from 4:00-8:00 PM and Monday, August 19, from 2:00-6:00 PM.
For a description and photos of the current conditions and the constraints the school's staff members are facing with the unique layout and accordion room dividers, visit the Fox Hill Building Project website. For more background on the school buildings across Burlington, check out our in-depth report.