Daily Buzz | Interviews Continue for Project Manager to Lead Fox Hill Project
And Land Use to discuss warrant articles for September Town Meeting

Hello, Neighbor!
I want to let you know about the Historical Society’s event this Thursday at 7:00 PM. Our very own Jonathan Sachs of Uncle Jon’s Song Wagon on BCAT will be performing “More Songs and Other Things.” There will be no admission fee, the event is accessible to those with disabilities, and all are welcome. Hope you can make it!
Other than that, not a ton to report, and so I’m going to leave you with the schedule for the day and get back to packing.
Today in Burlington
Voting will be happening at Grandview Farm from 8:30 to 4:30, and…
- 1:00-5:00 PM - Town Clerk - Advance Ballot Processing in accordance with the VOTES act of 2022, allowing for the advance removal and advance deposit of early and absentee votes. This process is open to the public.
- 4:30 PM - Planning Board Sculpture Park Subcommittee meets to discuss the success of the Ice Cream Social and a possible upcoming autumn event, and to discuss fundraising and the creation of a Burlington Art Association.
- 6:00 - Fox Hill School Building Committee continues holding interviews for Owner’s Project Manager (OPM). (Join online)
- 7:00 - Land Use Committee meets to talk about the warrant articles for September Town Meeting, to discuss Town Center Multifamily Zoning, which has been put off until the January Town Meeting, and more.
That’s it for today. Short and sweet.
Have a good one, Burlington!