Daily Buzz | High School Building Committee to Select Designer
Also, don't miss this talk about inspiring civic engagement

Good Morning, Burlington!
The Democratic Town Committee will be hosting Megan Sweeney this evening for a discussion about mobilizing citizens for grassroots civic engagement efforts. Megan is a friend to the Buzz and creator of PowerUp 01945, an organization out of Marblehead that encourages citizens to use their voice and participate in the governance of their town. See below for information about joining in person (at Grand View Farm) or online. I hope to see you there!
High School Building Committee to Select Designer
The High School Building Committee met last night for the first time after selecting an Owner’s Project Manager (OPM). Dore & Whittier, the same OPM firm that has been working with the Fox Hill Building Committee, discussed with the Committee the process and timeline for posting the Request For Services (RFS, sorry for all the initialisms!) for a design firm. This RFS will be posted next week, prospective designers will tour the site within the next couple of weeks, and the group hopes to have a contract with a designer by the end of January.
The Committee will be following a process very similar to that required by the Massachusetts School Building Authority (MSBA), the state agency that reimburses for qualifying school constructions or renovations. Despite applying for the last 13 years, the high school has not been accepted into the MSBA program. However, the Fox Hill project is in the MSBA program, and the two committees share many members, making it straightforward to follow a similar process.
After sharing the structure of the group, the Committee voted on a mission statement that highlights its charge of exploring “educationally sound, environmentally sustainable and fiscally responsible options” for whatever shape Burlington High School will eventually take. It’s not clear yet whether the building should be rebuilt, renovated, or something else creative—and that’s the point of the feasibility process in which the Committee, the OPM, and eventually the designer, will be engaged.
The OPM also suggested that the Committee engage the services of The Green Engineer, a local sustainable building designer with experience working in the municipal/school space to establish some sustainability goals and look into their feasibility.
One attendee, Mimi Bix-Hylan, suggested that the Committee reconsider the structure of the voting members, stating that the inclusion of the Superintendent and Assistant Superintendent as voting members puts employers and employees on the same level and potentially creates a political situation. (The Assistant Superintendent reports to the Superintendent, and the Superintendent reports to the School Committee.) Various viewpoints were shared on the topic, and it sounds like this will be discussed at the next School Building Committee meeting.
There will be a community meeting in the spring to inform members of the public about the process as it comes together.
Today in Burlington
Municipal Meetings and Community Events
- 8:00 AM - Sculpture Park Meeting - Discussion about the December event, the 2024 fundraising update and the 2024 call to artists along with an electrical box mural idea and more. (Virtual)
- 1:00 PM - Fox Hill School Building - Executive Working Group will meet to discuss upcoming meetings. (Virtual)
- 5:30 PM - Community Dinner at the Presbyterian Church - no cost and all are welcome. Tired of Thanksgiving leftovers, or just running out? The dinner will have something fresh! Gluten free and vegan options available. (335 Cambridge Street)
- 6:00-9:00 PM - Joint Planning Board Meeting With Conservation Commission and Land Use - Mall Road/Middlesex Turnpike District zoning discussion. (Town Hall Annex Basement Meeting Room and Virtual)
- 6:00 PM - Recreation Commission - Public participation, reports from the parks director, assistant director, chairman, subcommittee and more. (BHS School Committee Room)
- 6:45 PM - Burlington Scholarship Fund will discuss this year’s application, including creating an essay question, discussing rubric changes, and more. (Grand View Farm Marion Tavern)
- 7:00 PM - Democratic Town Committee: PowerUp 01945 Founder Megan Sweeney speaks about inspiring volunteer civic engagement. From the DTC: Proving change is possible with collective engagement, civic education, and cooperative enterprise. PowerUP offers a platform to those interested in putting their passion for local town government into action that invests in and celebrates a healthy, thriving, community! (Grand View Farm and Virtual, Registration Required via email)
That’s it for today. Thanks for being here, and I’ll see you soon!
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