Daily Buzz | Burlington Assistant Superintendent Officially Parts Ways With District
Plus, Shawsheen leaders participate in fundraising event to model teamwork

Good Morning!
The Buzz is kind of all over the place today, which is apropos considering my mental state. Please forgive any discontinuity and chalk it up to exhaustion and excitement about my upcoming trip.
Patrick Larkin Moves On From BPS
The biggest story today is that Assistant Superintendent, Patrick Larkin, won’t be returning to Burlington Public Schools this year. I can’t say this without remembering that a few months ago there was some drama associated first with outgoing Memorial principal Tara Harris, and then Mr. Larkin.
The official story is that Mr. Larkin is taking a sabbatical for this school year and has resigned effective summer 2023. But, of course, it’s difficult not to draw a direct line from one event to the other. Several other individuals added their voices to the complaints in the spring about Mr. Larkin, and it’s possible those and other events came into play in the conversations that ultimately led to this conclusion.
I don’t know what will happen with the Assistant Superintendent position this school year, but I’ll see if I can get more information for you next week.
Shawsheen Tech Leaders Participate in Ice Bucket Challenge
Ahead of Day 1, a group of Shawsheen Tech students worked to create a two-day orientation experience for incoming freshmen. As a part of their work, they participated in an Ice Bucket Challenge with Wilmington Rotary. Burlington’s own senior, Madison Bastarache, said, “It is important for us to be a team so we can show the freshmen what that looks like.” Read more here.
Burlington Today
Early voting again from 8:30-7:00, and also:
- 11:30 AM - Planning Board meets to discuss an Open Meeting Law request. (Join online)
- 1:00PM-7:00PM - More Advance Ballot Processing by the town Clerk’s Office
- 4:00 PM - OPM interviews continue with the Fox Hill Building Committee (Join online)
- 5:30 PM - Community Dinner at Burlington Presbyterian Church. As always, these are a free (though donations are accepted) and nondenominational way to share a meal with, and get to know, fellow community members.
- 6:00 PM - Recreation Department Registration begins!
That’s it for today. See you tomorrow, maybe!