Weekly Buzz | Back in Business
Also, a peek into Town Meeting attendance

Good Morning and Happy Sunday! We’re back for another fun and exciting week in Burlington.
I’ve been talking a little about January Town Meeting, and I wanted to let you know that it begins (and hopefully ends! on January 23, 2023. As you might already know, we have a representative Town Meeting, where 126 of your neighbors (18 per precinct) gather together to review the articles proposed in the Warrant and then vote on them. Attendance, however, has averaged about 86% for the last 3 years. You can see attendance on the Town Clerk’s website, and I try to post it here, as well, though I’m a little behind.
Take a look at who your TMMs are and what their attendance record is. We all deserve representatives that will show up for us, and this is something to take into consideration when voting—especially in contested races.
More about Town Meeting and the election in the coming days and weeks.
Burlington This Week
Meetings and Events
Were getting back into the swing of things this week, with lots of meetings in town. I’ve peppered in a selection of library events, too, but be sure to check out the calendar for a full schedule of events.
Sunday, January 8
- STRIDE Fitness Member Appreciation activities
- 3:00 PM - (Library event) Sunflowers and Starry Nights: The Genius of Vincent Van Gogh with Jane Oneail (Zoom)
Monday, January 9
- 1:00 PM - (library event) Monday Afternoon Bridge
- 6:00 PM - Select Board
- 7:30 PM - ISSAC
Tuesday, January 10
- 10:30 AM - (Library event) Great Decisions and Current Events Discussion Series Hybrid Event (Register here)
- 5:00 PM - Housing Partnership
- 7:00 PM - Board of Health
- 7:00 PM - School Committee
- 7:00 PM - Shawsheen School Committee
Wednesday, January 11
- 8:00 AM - Ways and Means Committee - TH1 Sub Committee
- 9:15 AM - Ways and Means Committee - DPW/Rec Subcommittee
- 6:30 PM - Zoning Bylaw Review Committee
Thursday, January 12
- 9:00 AM - Housing Authority
- 4:00 PM - Indoor Snow Science (K-5 library event) (Register)
- 6:30 PM - Conservation Commission
Friday, January 13
- Nothing yet
Saturday, January 14
- 1:00 PM - (library event) Afternoon Off Doll Club
Sports and Activities
Score Update
Both our Varsity hockey teams both fell to Stoneham yesterday, with boys losing 4-1 and girls, 3-2.
Today’s Schedule
In hockey, JV Boys are set to play in Watertown at 5:40.
I’ll see you tomorrow! I hope you enjoy this sunny, blue-skies Sunday!