Weekend Buzz | Thank You for Your Support!
And a big welcome to new readers

Good morning!
It’s Saturday in Burlington, which means not much official town business (although more than usual!), and so today I thought I’d take a moment to thank you all for your support and greet our new readers. Our readership has grown almost 20% since the beginning of October, and we are set to cross the 1,000-subscriber threshold any day now. I’m pretty proud of that, after starting in February with some vague idea that we needed more public engagement and maybe a daily newsletter would help.
Some of you have been here from the beginning, and others are still getting to know me, the Buzz, and what we have to offer. Here is our new About page, which I updated a month or so ago—it’s a quick distillation of who I am, what the Buzz is, and why you benefit from a free subscription or a paid membership.
Also, I wanted to take a moment and thank every single Hive member (that’s the new name for our growing group of paying members). Your contributions help me do things like pay for childcare while I write the Buzz and record podcasts, pay for business insurance (BO-ring! But it has to be done) and get professional graphic design done so I look a little more legit.
Your contribution always helps Buzz operations, but during November annual paid memberships will also benefit our local food pantry, People Helping People.
So, now that you’ve got the lay of the land and (hopefully) see the benefit of this little local journalistic project, I hope you’ll consider joining us.
Today in Burlington
Meetings and Events
- 9:45 AM - Recreation Commission met to do a site visit at Overlook Park (that recreation area at a former missile site where the Burlington Players work) and discuss future use of the property.
- 10:00 AM-1:00 PM - People Helping People Drive-Thru Food Drive at Burlington Church of Christ.
- 1:00 PM - Board of Registrars meets to review any eligible overseas ballots received as well as any investigated provisional ballots.
Sports and Activities
JV Football was set to play Bedford from 10-11:30!
That’s it for me today. I hope you enjoy the rest of your Saturday!