Weekend Buzz | Get an Annual Membership at 2022 Rates for a Limited Time
Also, Follow Your Heart sculpture damaged

Good Morning, Burlington!
I have just two quick things for you today.
First, the Sculpture Park Committee is sad to report that one of our lovely sculptures, Follow Your Heart, has sustained some serious damage. Right now the source of the damage isn’t clear, but the broken pieces have been collected and they will look into having it repaired.
Second, I have been doing a very bad job of advertising that Hive membership rates are going up a little, from $50/year to $60. They were supposed to increase February 1, but since I had such a crazy January and forgot to mention it, I’m going to give you til our anniversary date, February 20, to take advantage of 2022 rates.
Another option as you’re thinking about getting a new subscription or renewing your current one is to name your own annual rate. You can pick anything from the current basic annual rate ($50 now or $60 as of February 20) up.
Your paid Hive membership supports a local business and local journalism, and comes with some very mild perks: mostly-weekly Hive Roundup emails where I run down the week, plus some more benefits like in-person and virtual meet ups that will be put into place as the year goes on.
Hive memberships are a big reason I’m able to keep producing the Buzz each day. I didn’t anticipate how involved this project would become or how much work and time it would take. I wouldn’t change it for the world, but being appreciated and compensated for the hours and expertise I put in goes a long way to sustaining me and the business.
Love to all you free and paid subscribers. Thank you for taking meaningful steps toward greater connection and engagement in our community. Whatever you decide to do, I’m here.
*I’m posting from my phone and can’t caption my photos, but this one is from Barbara Martinez. I know I’ve shared it before, but I wanted to celebrate Follow Your Heart as the artist hopefully looks into repairing it.