Weekend Buzz | A Giveaway! The Future of the Buzz

In anticipation of our six-month anniversary next Saturday (who can believe it’s already (only?!) been six months?!), I am changing things up a little bit this weekend. I am excited to announce we’ll be doing a little giveaway to celebrate. The winner will get a Burlington Buzz gift pack valued at $50 (conveniently the cost of an annual membership)!
To enter, all you have to do is (a) be subscribed to the Buzz, and (b) leave a comment on this thread on Substack telling us one thing you love about us and one thing you think we should do in the next six months to get even closer to achieving our mission of connecting our community. Be sure you sign your post or email me at hello@burlington.buzz so I can know who you are!
(8-20: I’ve been made aware of an issue which does not allow non-paying subscribers to comment, though everyone should be able to. I’ll update here and on Facebook when the issue is fixed!)
This time next week, I’ll pick a name out of a hat/bowl/other receptacle and announce the winner!
Drop me a line if you have a question, and we’ll chat soon! I can’t wait to see your feedback.
Until next time,