Friday Buzz | Podcast Season is Underway
Send me all the primary candidates!

Good morning and Happy Friday!
The calendar is empty again today, so you just get a quick roundup of things happening in the near future - on the Buzz, in town, and even at the state level.
- Fourth of July Parade, Monday, July 4 - streets close at 9:30; parade starts at 11:00 and goes from the Presbyterian Church at 335 Cambridge Street to Marshall Simonds Middle School. Due to a scheduling misunderstanding, there will unfortunately not be any fireworks this year. There are all kinds of Fourth of July celebrations and fireworks displays happening in the area between now and then, though. Check out this list for more.
- I feel like I’m forgetting something from this weekend, but I’m wracking my brain and scouring my inboxes and coming up blank. If there’s something going on that I’m not mentioning, drop it in the comments or post in the Burlington Buzz Community on Facebook.
Podcasts Coming at You!
Five out of the six most recent emails in my inbox at are scheduling emails for podcasts I plan to record in the next week. With these and the one already recorded and ready to drop from Wayne Higden, I’m really excited to be able to offer you some really great multimedia content this summer.
If you’re a Burlingtonian with something to say, I’d love to have you on.
Candidate Interviews and Profiles
While I generally tend to focus on local items, the state primary elections are coming up on September 6, and I’ll be interviewing some candidates who hope to represent our town at the state level (or who already do and hope to be re-elected). So far I’ve got interviews either scheduled or already recorded with candidates for Governor’s Council (what’s that?) and State Representative. I hope to chat with candidates for other statewide offices, as well. These interviews will come out in multiple different modalities, and will aim to ensure you have the information you need to make an informed decision at the polls this primary season.
Forward this email to anyone you know who will be on the Primary ballot so we can schedule our podcast interview!
A million thanks to BCAT, who lets me use their awesome Podcast studio to record these awesome interviews.
Friday Funny
After four hours standing outside (curiously, largely next to my tent rather than under it) and taking more than a day to recover, I was feeling this in my bones on Sunday. Today’s gonna be another hot one. Stay cool and hydrate, friends.

That’s it for me today. See you tomorrow,