Daily Buzz | The Room(s) Where it Happens
And what happened to Roger?

Good morning!
I hope you’re having a wonderful week so far. We thought the heat last week was intense; it’s nothing compared to what’s coming up this weekend. Please make plans to stay cool!
Town Meeting Recap
After a long and, well, if not historic, at least noteworthy, four sessions, May Town Meeting is finally concluded. Here’s what was decided:
- Article 35 to establish a Town Center Multifamily Zone - FAILS
- Article 36 to rezone the Roger’s Piano and adjacent properties into this TCM zone is thus WITHDRAWN.
- Article 37 to build some buildings in the parking lot of the Network Drive Complex due to increased demand for biotech - PASSES
- Articles 38 & 39 seek to rezone some property around Burger King into the Innovation district to allow the developers to potentially market it to those uses in the future. BOTH ARTICLES PASS
The next Town Meeting will be September 26, and it’s likely we’ll see some of the things Committees have been working on at the beginning of this year that didn’t quite make the May Town Meeting.
There is still one open seat on Town Meeting for Precinct 7. If you’ve been following along with this and thought, “I really want to get involved,” or at the very least, “ My precinct should have full representation in these conversations,” please contact your precinct representatives to request a nomination and appointment.
Today in Burlington
Not much on the agenda today, and I’ll take it for sure.
- 5:00 PM - Housing Partnership meets for their regular meeting, during which they’ll discuss updates following Town Meeting and a guest will come to talk about Grandview Farms. (Join via Webex)
- 7:00 PM - Planning Board meets for several public hearings - most are for the 22 Terry Avenue property (I don’t know what’s going in there, but it looks interesting - permits for R&D, light manufacturing, etc,), but there are a few others on the agenda as well; click the link above to see them. (Join via Webex)
I’m going to sign off for now, but I hope you have a wonderful day.
See you tomorrow!