Daily Buzz | Taking the Day
See you on the weekend

Hey friends,
I need a minute.
As a mom, as a community member, as a human, I’m having a really hard time with the state of things today.
I focus the Buzz on Burlington for a lot of reasons, and I don’t talk about things that don’t directly have to do with our town. I ignore most holidays, I don’t really discuss current events, and I stay away from national politics.
But I can’t go on delivering pithy one-liners and pretending everything is okay when everything is very much not okay. We like to feel insulated here in our pretty little town, but that’s being naïve. I feel fortunate to live where we do, but we’re not immune to the despair.
I’m feeling pretty helpless today. So I need a minute. There won’t be a Buzz tomorrow. Consider it a moment of silence, and maybe take that moment to research how you can take action to make things better. Words won’t help. Thoughts and prayers won’t help. We need action, and we need it yesterday.
ConCom meets tonight. Lots of different public hearings, including some planned residential swimming pool projects, additions, and and new dwelling construction. Catch it on Webex.
I’ll be back Saturday. For now, I’m gonna go hug my kids. You should hug yours, too.
Take care of each other,