Daily Buzz | Looking Ahead, Near and Far
And, share your culture at Burlington Culture Night

Hello, Burlington!
It’s been a few days! Thanks to illness, kid things, and the holiday, I am opening my computer for the first time since Sunday. The good news, though, is that while I haven’t been sitting in front of the screen, I’ve still been thinking about how I can continue improving the Buzz for everyone—and enhance the offerings for paying Hive members.
I’m exploring this now because, as paying memberships have slowed, business partnerships have dried up all over the media world, and my workload for the Buzz has increased to sometimes 4-5 hours per issue, I’m looking for ways to make this work sustainable. I’ll be honest—I meant to do a membership drive in June for my birthday, and things were so busy at the end of the school year, I never got the chance.
It’s important to me that the majority of the Buzz’s work remain free to all; I recognize that not everyone has the funds to pay for a subscription, and that of those who do, many won’t chose to do so. In order to continue providing this work at no cost, I want to nurture my relationships with all readers while creating a little something extra that will hopefully compel those who have the means and desire to upgrade.
To that end, I’d appreciate your taking a moment to reflect on a few questions today. Tomorrow, I’ll send a survey with these questions, but I wanted to give you plenty of time to think. Feel free to comment, reply to this email, or email hello@burlington.buzz with your response if you already know your answers!
- I am going to start offering in-depth explainers to certain aspect of our town: school buildings, local government, etc. What aspects of our town would you like to see an in-depth explainer for?
- What would you like to see the Buzz cover that we don’t already cover? Or what would you like to see more of?
- If you’re a free subscriber, what kinds of offerings would motivate you to move from a free to a paid subscription?
- If you’re a paid subscriber, what kinds of things would make your $60 a year feel like money well spent? (Aside from the daily reporting on issues in our community, that is!)
- Do you have any other creative funding ideas I might not have thought of (or know any nonprofits looking to support local journalism)?
Thanks to all of you who read every day, who support by sharing the Buzz, who say hi when you see me out and about in town, who support this endeavor financially, and who write to express you appreciation for the work I do. I truly wouldn’t be doing this if not for you.
Upcoming Events and Other Important Things
This Saturday, the Burlington Museum will be open from 11-3. You can see Al Fay’s antique town fire truck and learn about Burlington’s history since its incorporation nearly 225 years ago. Admission is free, and the museum is open to anyone.
Applications are open for an affordable senior housing opportunity at Grandview Commons. The application period closes on Tuesday, July 17, and a lottery will be held via Zoom on Thursday, July 27. For more information or to submit your application, you can reach out to Town Administration at 29 Center Street, 2nd floor, or 781-270-7600, or by email.
On Monday, July 17, there will be a Culture Night at Simonds Park from 6:30-8:00. This event was conceptualized by two Girl Scouts who are working toward their Silver Award. If you’d like to come and share about a particular culture, there’s still time to join. Just reach out to burlingtonculturefest@gmail.com or call 781-270-1695.
The Next Few Days in Burlington
Friday, July 7
- 10:15 AM-12:00 PM - Burlington Quilt Club at the library
- 10:30 AM-12:30 PM - Friday Flicks & Crafts at the library
Saturday, July 8
- 9:00 AM-12:00 PM - Burlington Players Craft & Artisan Fair (One Edgemere Ave.)
- 10:30 AM - Tray Basket or Twill Bowl Weaving Class at Made in Burlington
- 11:00 AM-3:00 PM - Burlington History Museum open
Sunday, July 9
- Library closed
That’s it for me today. I’ll see you tomorrow with that survey. Enjoy the day!