Weekly Buzz | Provide Your Input at the Recreation Commission Meeting this Week
Plus, some last-minute reviews of the warrant articles for May Town Meeting

Good morning, friends!
I got to sleep in today, and after a full day yesterday, I’m just now finishing up today’s Buzz. I hope you’re enjoying your weekend and preparing for some warm days ahead later in the week!
There’s lots on tap this week, but our meting hours will be dominated by Town Meeting. Be sure to take a look at Article Roundups 1, 2, and 3 to see what we’ll be voting on. Also, as always, be sure to look to each Daily Buzz for up-to-date agendas and information.
More info in the Warrant and Warrant Backup.
Monday, May 9
- 8:30 AM - Planning Board meets to continue their discussion of candidates for the open position. (Join via Webex)
- 4:00 PM - Council on Aging is supposed to meet, but their agenda isn’t posted; since the requirement is to post 48 hours before the meeting, I anticipate this meeting being canceled.
- 5:45 PM - Select Board has an early start in hopes of finishing before Town Meeting. They’ll be appointing a new DPW Water & Sewer Lead Foreman, receiving some updates, and voting to approve a few things related to Town Meeting, as well as the Fox Hill Feasibility Study. (Join via Webex)
- 6:30 PM - Recreation Commission meets for their regular meeting, where they’ll be discussing programming, parks, and inviting public participation, as they always do. I know there was a good deal of commentary online a week or two ago, and this would be a wonderful opportunity to provide this input directly to the commission. I want to say I’ll try and make it to represent my fellow residents, but as I’ll be attending Town Meeting for 3+ hours, I can’t guarantee it.
- 7:30 PM - Town Meeting, night 1/X. Precinct representatives will be discussing and voting on the first of the operational budget and maybe capital articles.
Tuesday, May 10
2:30 PM - Shawsheen School Council meets for what looks be the final meeting of the year.
6:00 PM - Ways & Means Public Safety Subcommittee meets for a final review of the public safety warrant articles.
7:00 PM - Board of Health meets to review some applications for 1 Mall Road and to discuss a variance. (Join via Webex)
7:00 PM - School Committee regular meeting, during which they’ll talk about a whole lot of things, including the Dyslexia Guidelines in Burlington, some information about Restorative Justice, the draft school calendar, a school physician and MUCH more. (Join via Webex)
7:00 PM - Shawsheen Budget Subcommittee will meet for an executive session during which they’ll discuss applications to the position of Business Manager.
Wednesday, May 11
- 6:30 PM - Ways and Means meets to discuss Warrant Articles 16-23 and 28. (Join via Webex)
- 7:00 PM - Annual Town Meeting - Continued
- 7:00 PM - Conservation Commission meets for a number of public hearings for Notices of Intent, and more discussion of the Stormwater Management Bylaw (Reminder, this did not make May Town Meeting, because they’re still hashing out the language. Join via Webex)
- 7:00 PM - Library Trustees meet (agenda to follow).
Friday, May 13
Nothing yet, but it’s Friday the 13th so maybe for the better?
Just kidding, you know I don’t believe in any of that.
Saturday, May 14
- 10:00 AM - Global Warming Sculpture Dedication at the Sculpture Park!
Sunday, May 15
- Nothing on the agenda quite yet!
That’s it, and I’m going to take the rest of the day to chill with my fam, so I’ll see you tomorrow!.
I’ll see you tomorrow!