Weekly Buzz | Planning Board Vacancy

Plus, prepare for paucity

Weekly Buzz | Planning Board Vacancy

Goodest of mornings to you, Burlington!

(Yes, that is a word that I made up. When you are a writer, you get to do that.  )

Before I get started, I wanted to let you know that we have an opening on the Planning Board!

What? Didn’t we just fill a Planning Board vacancy? you might be inclined to ask. And, yes. Yes, we did. But this week, Paul Raymond, a very longtime member, announced his retirement, and so the Planning Board is looking to fill his position. They’ve got a lot on the agenda coming up, and are looking to appoint someone who is eager and ready to go. Applications can be found on the Planning Board website, and they’re due by August 1. Eligible candidates will be interviewed by a subcommittee including members of the Planning Board and Select Board, and the final appointment will be made thereafter. Applicants must be registered voters in Burlington.

This week in Burlington

We have several meetings this week, but none of them are tomorrow! So expect tomorrow’s email to be pretty short, because I’ll be lining up some best-of posts for early next week (see below).

Monday, July 25

  • Nothing yet!

Tuesday, July 26

Wednesday, July 27

Thursday, July 28

Friday, July 29

  • 7:00 PM - Newsies, Jr. at BHS - tix here.

Saturday, July 30

  • 2:00 PM - Newsies, Jr. at BHS. See above for tix.

Sunday, June 31-Wednesday, August 3

  • The Buzz will be light as a feather because I’ll be away and disconnected. I’ll pre-schedule some stuff to keep you going, but I won’t be visiting much.

That’s it for me. Have a great Sunday!
