Question of Recreational Marijuana in Burlington Postponed

Burlington residents wondering whether or not the town will lift its ban on the sale of recreational marijuana in Burlington will have to wait until at least January. While the articles that propose lifting the ban and establishing a zoning district where a dispensary could be located are still listed in the Town Meeting Warrant, community proponent Will Seagaard says the articles have been withdrawn and will be back on the warrant at a later date—hopefully at the January 2025 Town Meeting.
The articles were pulled, says Seagaard, "in light of the fact that there were so many more things to finalize and iron out." He had initially hoped to present the proposal in May but knew the warrant would be long and opted to hold off until September. Now that he's more familiar with the process to finalize the articles (and just how long these things can take) he is taking the next several months to ensure community members and the relevant Boards can have input and ensure "the article is the best it can be when it ultimately does go forward."
A recreational cannabis subcommittee has been formed with members of various town Boards, with the hopes of shaping up the overlay and bylaw to be as clear and beneficial to the town as possible.