Profile | Moderator-Appointed Committees

There are several committees appointed by the Town Moderator, whose details I'll list below. Committees also are sometimes appointed on an as-needed basis - the Transportation Committee and Sidewalk Committee are recent examples of such committees.
- Bylaw Review Committee; 5 members; 1-year term. Review and propose bylaws, and reconcile our town's bylaws with state law
- Zoning Bylaw Review Committee; 9 voting and 2 non-voting members; 3-year term. Monitor, review, and make recommendations to Town Meeting regarding any changes to the town’s zoning bylaws
- Capital Budget Committee; 7 members; 3-year term. Consider proposed budgets for capital projects and make recommendations to Town Meeting
- Facilities Committee; 7 members; 2-year-term. Reviews and make recommendations to Town Meeting on the use, maintenance, construction, and disposition of town buildings, physical plant, and infrastructure
- Human Services Committee; 7 members; 3-year term. Consider proposed human services programs and make recommendations to Town meeting
- Land Use Committee; 9 members; 3-year-term. Review and make recommendations regarding the use of land in our town
- Rules Committee: 13 members; 1-year term. Ensure TM is conducted properly and make related recommendations
- Ways & Means Committee (aka Finance Committee); 15 members; 3-year term. Make recommendations to TM regarding any financial articles
As articles are presented at Town Meeting, the Moderator will ask if the relevant committees have recommendations on each one. This provides insight on whether an article is feasible and fits in with historical precedent, and sometimes brings up issues individuals haven't considered. It's really a fascinating process.
The above is lifted from our Town website, where you can get more information.