Outdoor Facilities Master Plan Offers Draft Recommendations
Offer your feedback on the Outdoor Facilities Master Plan draft today and help the Recreation Department enhance its offerings.

The Burlington Parks & Recreation Department has been hard at work with design firm, Weston & Sampson, on the Outdoor Facilities Master Plan for the town. The plan is now drafted and can be found on the Rec Department's website, but the work is not complete. They need you to take a look at the draft Master Plan and offer your feedback to ensure the action items that come out of this work are aligned with what the community wants.
The plan outlines the existing conditions of the school- and recreation-owned outdoor facilities, including playgrounds, fields, courts, trails, and more. The upshot of this part of the investigation is that Burlington is on or above par with the recommended number of each kind of facility with the exception of a swimming pool, but that most of the facilities could use upgrades.
Feedback from the community, gathered via surveys and community listening lessons, suggested focus is needed on the accessibility of facilities, more access to bike or walking/hiking infrastructure, additional winter recreation options (like a sledding hill with a lift at Overlook Park!) and updates to the fields.
The study concluded with several recommendations, including adding more opportunities for water play such as a swimming pool and/or a splash pad, enhancing current offerings and facilities, ensuring accessibility of facilities, and more. Take a look at the Outdoor Facilities Master Plan, and be sure to provide your feedback on how the town can best leverage and improve outdoor facilities to serve the community's needs.