Help Improve Burlington's Municipal Communications
Provide essential input to the town by May 10, 2023

The Town of Burlington wants to improve how it shares and exchanges information with people who live, work, or own a business in Burlington. As part of this effort, the Town is launching an online survey to understand how community members would like to receive communication from the Town, on which topics, and more. Survey participants will directly impact how the Town reaches out in the future.
“The Town wants to share information with the community on a range of topics – trash pickup schedule changes, grant opportunities, events at the library, programs at the senior center, youth and family services resources, and Town Meeting updates, to name a few. We want to know the best way to get this information to the folks who need it,” said Town Administrator Paul Sagarino. The survey is part of an effort to create a comprehensive communications plan for the Town of Burlington.
“We want our residents and businesses to be aware of important information from the Town government, but we also want to improve ways for our residents and businesses to interact with the Town,” said Select Board Chair Nick Priest. “The information we learn from this survey will get us moving in that direction.” The survey is anticipated to take between 5 and 10 minutes to complete. The link is available here, on the town website, and will be posted on Town department social media platforms. The survey will be open from April 10, 2023 through May 10, 2023.