Daily Buzz | Will Burlington Get a New Smoke Shop?
And where does Burlington and the Planning Board stand with the ongoing public hearings?

Congratulations on making it to Thursday. I know for those of us with young kids, April vacation week is … a new type of interesting … but it’s almost over! And, just as you’re fantasizing about getting your kiddos out of the house, the Recreation Department Catalog comes out to remind you that summer is just around the corner. Registration is at 6pm on April 27.
Something silly for you. Remember in yesterday’s email when I said the Historical Commission was discussing the town’s 250th in 2049? I knew that didn’t make sense. Thankfully, a reader informed me that they were discussing the nation’s 250th, which is much closer, in 2026. Thanks for keeping me honest.
Nothing much else to report, so I’ll get on with it. There’s only one meeting on the schedule today:
- 7:00 PM - Planning Board meets with continued public hearings on some ongoing areas of interest including the potential rezoning of Roger’s Piano and the rest of the lot it sits on, the zoning bylaw that would require foundations to be built a certain distance above the average high water table, and whether or not a special permit will be granted for a smoke shop to be established in the plaza with True North and Schoolhouse. They’ll also be opening a new public hearing to see if a special permit for a fast-order food establishment can go in at 120 Cambridge Street. The Metro Credit Union has moved to 50 Summit Drive. (Join via Webex)
That’s it. And now it’s basically Friday. You’re welcome.
¡Hasta mañana!