Daily Buzz | Who Will Be the Next Planning Board Member?
Also, the final School Budget meeting prior to Town Meeting

Good morning!
Though the weather wasn’t spectacular, I took a walk around the Common and Sculpture Park with Baby Buzz yesterday. (I just can’t shake the name - when he’s 20 and people come up to him and say, “Hey, you’re Baby Buzz!” maybe I’ll feel bad about it. But probably not. ) It was nice and quiet and peaceful, but also empty of people and animals. Luckily we found a goose family over by Staples. They’re so cute! From afar.
Walk/Bike/Roll to School
I honestly don’t know if all the schools are doing this, but Fox Hill is, and it’s a great idea, so I wanted to share it.
Safe Routes to Schools is sponsoring a Walk/Bike/Ride to school day. It was supposed to be today, but tomorrow’s weather is expected to be far superior, so it’s been postponed by a day. Feel free to get your kiddos to school in an alternative way every day, but the day we’re all encouraged to make a concerted effort to do so is now Cinco de Mayo, and not Star Wars Day. (You might have already inferred I’m not a holiday person, but I couldn’t resist a “may the fourth be with you” reference.)
Today in Burlington
As expected, some items have been added since I collated the week’s calendar on the weekend. Here’s what’s in store today.
- 1:00 PM - Planning Board Interviews to fill the seat left by Mike Espejo when he was elected to the Select Board
- 6:30 PM - Transportation Committee meets to discuss, along with the 128 Council and the Lexington Transportation Manager, the Transportation Regionalization Plan. (Join via Webex)
- 6:30 PM - Zoning Bylaw Review Committee meets to discuss May Warrant Articles and potential future amendments in the areas of signage, accessory structures, and housing. (Join via Zoom)
- 7:00 PM - School Committee and Ways & Means Committee hold a special joint session. Yesterday, the W&M School Subcommittee discussed the capital Warrant Articles, and today the W&M at large will vote. The W&M committee will also review a few other school-related items that aren’t directly related to BPS, namely regional school assessments, for Shawshee, Essex, and Minuteman. (Join via Webex)
Don’t forget about the fundraiser tonight at the Archer to benefit Skate22 from 6-9!
That’s it for today. Looking forward to a beautiful Thursday!