Daily Buzz | What's Happening in Public Works this Summer?
Plus, Marvel Trivia

Good Morning, Burlington!
One of the requests from the recent survey was for more information about public works projects in Burlington, and periodically I’ll be sending updates about what’s going on. Here’s what’s in store this summer at the DPW:
- The annual paving project is scheduled to start in the next few weeks. The project includes a number of streets both major and minor, and a full map of streets to be paved can be found here.
- The sewer pump stations/force mains at Partridge Lane and Francis Wyman Road are being reconstructed. This project uses funds appropriated by Town Meeting to reconstruct these two stations. Francis Wyman’s force main (the pipe that takes waste water under pressure to its discharge point) was replaced last year.
- There is a smaller water service replacement project taking place on Belmont/Cormier Rd.
- The DPW is also in the process of addressing the infiltration of groundwater into our sewage pipes from cracks, separations, and other sources of leaks. We pay for every gallon of sewage that crosses the border into Woburn en route to the treatment plant at Deer Island in the harbor, so decreasing this infiltration will save the town money and prevent us from sending groundwater to be treated.
For a full list of DPW projects, you can reference the DPW website.
Today in Burlington
It’s definitely August. Not much official going on today, but definitely get outside and enjoy the gorgeous weather and one of our many recreation areas if you can!
Municipal Meetings and Community Events
- 9:00 AM - Fox Hill School Building - Financial Working Group (Virtual)
- 7:00 PM - Marvel Trivia Night for Adults & Teens (Library hybrid event; Register)
That’s it for today. I’ll see you in the morning!
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