Daily Buzz | What Will Town Meeting be Voting On This January 22?
Explosions confused residents of several towns Wednesday evening

Good Morning, Burlington!
Somehow, yesterday, I forgot to mention all the explosions.
On Wednesday evening, many Burlington (and Bedford and Billierica and Tewksbury…you get the picture) residents heard three loud explosions. At Buzz headquarters, it sounded like someone banging on the side of a Dumpster. Turns out, as reported by BCAT and shared on Burlington Police’s social media channels, it was the Massachusetts State Police conducting controlled explosions of some expired flares that were dropped off at the Burlington fire Department. Police didn’t realize the flares would create such a loud explosion, according to Burlington Police Chief Thomas Browne, which is why no warning was issued to residents beforehand.
Several towns and organizations are hosting events to honor Dr. Martin Luther King’s legacy and spirit this weekend, and while the Buzz hasn’t heard of anything specifically happening in Burlington, here are two events that involve people of all ages in making a difference: There will be a huge hands-on Day of Service and Learning in Cambridge on Monday, sponsored by Many Helping Hands 365, as well as opportunities for kids and their caregivers to bring joy to kids in need all weekend long at the Acton Discovery Museum. See below for more details.
Daily Buzz | What Will Town Meeting be Voting On This January 22?
This January 22, your 126 Town Meeting representatives (or closer to 100 of them, if history is any indication) will be meeting in the high school auditorium to hear and vote on a number of articles related to town finance, zoning bylaws, general bylaws, and more.
On the warrant are articles relating to the definitions in our bylaws, town finance, sale of an affordable housing unit, looking into an electronic voting system for Town Meeting, and more.
Possibly the most contentious item on the agenda will be a request for Town Meeting to oppose the proposed development known as Winn View Heights II. A resolution was introduced at September’s Town Meeting, but a vote wasn’t allowed since the resolution wasn’t related to an item on the Warrant.
Read more about all the articles up for a vote in the Warrant Summary.
Local Government
January 22, 2024, Town Meeting
Nicci Kadilak • Jan 12, 2024
Our next Town Meeting will be held on January 22, 2024, in the BHS Auditorium. There will be no hybrid participation option except for with permission for an approved reason, but it will be broadcast on BCAT. I am summarizing, paraphrasing, and otherwise stealing from the official documentation, the
Read full story →
Today in Burlington
Municipal Meetings and Community Events
- 11:00 AM - School Policy Subcommittee has their first meting, during which they’ll discuss the social media policy, digital use, and buildings and grounds maintenance. (BHS Business Office Conference Room)
- 4:00-4:45 PM - Still Life Drawing for kids in grades 3-8 - Miss Gina will help us learn how to draw simple still life. (Library; Registration Required)
Saturday, January 13
- 10:00-2:00 AM - Small Acts, Big Impacts - Honor Monday’s MLK Jr holiday with an act of service: Make a birthday card and bring supplies to make a birthday cake to support kids who are in the hospital or experiencing homelessness on their birthdays. (Acton Discovery Museum; free with admission; see details on website.)
- 10:30-11:30 AM - Musical Story Time - Calling all kids 5 and under! Bring your grown-up and join us for some fun ukulele music, stories and more. Miss Julie will lead us in a great time. This is a drop-in event. Hope to see you there; you might even see some little Buzzes there! (Library; No Registration Required)
Sunday, January 14
- Reminder: Town offices and schools will be closed Monday in honor of Martin Luther King, Jr., Day.
- The library will be closed tomorrow, come in today to grab a book!
- 10:00-2:00 AM - Small Acts, Big Impacts - Honor Monday’s MLK Jr holiday with an act of service: Make a birthday card and bring supplies to make a birthday cake to support kids who are in the hospital or experiencing homelessness on their birthdays. (Acton Discovery Museum; free with admission; see details on website.)
Monday, January 15
- Schools and town offices will be closed, as will the Buzz.
- Day of Service and Learning in Cambridge, sponsored by Many Helping Hands 365. Contribute to one of many hands-on projects, including making valentines for isolated seniors, making scarves and hats for individuals in need, and more—all while learning more about Dr. King and his legacy. All are welcome; registration is required.
- 10:00-2:00 AM - Small Acts, Big Impacts - Honor Monday’s MLK Jr holiday with an act of service: Make a birthday card and bring supplies to make a birthday cake to support kids who are in the hospital or experiencing homelessness on their birthdays. (Acton Discovery Museum; free with admission; see details on website.)
Sports and Activities
Burlington freshman shay Woodbury set a BHS record yesterday against Melrose in the 100 backstroke. Woodbury beat George Cummings’ 1980 record by 34 hundredths of a second. The team lost the meet overall with a score of 75-83.
We’ve got some basketball against Wakefield on the calendar today. All games are at BHS except for freshman boys, who play in Wakefield at 6:00. Junior varsity girls play at 4:00, and varsity girls play at 5:30, while for the boys, the JV team plays at 5:00 and the varsity game is at 7:00.
This weekend, it’s all hockey, all the time. Saturday, we’re playing Wakefield again. Junior varsity plays bright and early at 7:00 AM, while varsity boys play at 2:15 and varsity girls play at 4:15. All games are at Wakefield. Sunday, the JV boys are at it again, taking on Melrose in an away game.
Friday Funny
Looking for a 50/50 shot of either entertaining or terrifying your kids/pets?

That’s it for today. Enjoy your weekend, and I’ll see you Sunday!
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