Daily Buzz | Water Rates to Go Up in 2024
Lower revenue means higher rate increases

Today is the last day to request a mail-in ballot for the Presidential Primary!
Good Morning, Burlington!
Several area agencies are in need of supplies to help those in need, and you can help with just a click. People Helping People, the organization that manages Burlington’s Food Pantry, is creating Easter baskets for local kids and could use some supplies to make these baskets as fun as possible for all. Take a look at their Amazon wish list and see if you can help ensure they have everything they need to bring joy to 150 kids this Easter.
The Wish Project is another local nonprofit that could use some donations. Based in Chelmsford, this nonprofit is running low on clothing for children and adults, as well as personal hygiene supplies such as baby wipes and baby shampoo. They’ve got Amazon and Target wish lists to make donation easy, but they also accept donations of gently used clothing.
Water Rates to Go Up in 2024
Department of Public Works Director, Brian White, spoke to the Select Board last night to amend the 6.8% water rate increase put forth in 2019. The plan, as White laid out, was for the town to generate $3.2 million in additional revenue by the end of the 10-year plan.
Then the pandemic happened, forcing businesses to close and resulting in a reduction in occupied office space whose effects continue today. Commercial water and sewer make up a good portion of commercial receipts for Burlington, and the water bans of recent years have contributed as well. The town is expected to fall short of the additional revenue projected in 2019.
The Select Board approved a new water rate increase of 9.8% (the sewer rate increase will stay at 6.8%), which will go into effect this July. This will still not be enough to meet the town’s budget projections, but the Department wanted to remain conscious of the impact of rate increases on residents.
In addition, a condition of MWRA (Massachusetts Water Resources Authority) membership is that Burlington converts from semi-annual to quarterly billing, and you can expect to begin receiving smaller and more frequent water/sewer bills this summer/fall.
The Select Board and Mr. White were sure to emphasize that these rate increases are a result of a revenue shortfall and not directly related to the MWRA connection, as some residents feared would happen.
Also at Select Board:
Two new firefighters were appointed.
National Grid will be allowed to get back to work early on their gas line connection across Middlesex Turnpike between Terrace Hall Ave. and Blue Sky Drive, provided there’s no inclement weather. They wanted to finish this project before winter, but ran into an unexpected amount of ledge that they needed to clear in order to place the pipes.
Budgets, mostly representing level funding, were approved for:
Building Department
Town Accounting
Town Administration/Select Board
Town Counsel
Sealer of Weights and Measures (shared 60/40 with Lexington)
The Select Board isn’t certain yet whether they want to renew the lease of the Mount Hope school in 6 years or reclaim the property in the hopes of addressing some of the space crunches the town is facing. They’re hoping the Mount Hope administration will give them a deadline to weigh the options and make a decision.
Today in Burlington
Municipal Meetings and Community Events
Today is the last day to request a mail-in ballot for the Presidential Primary!
- 8:30 AM-4:30 PM - Early Voting for the Presidential Primary at Town Hall
- 2:00-4:00 PM - Special Collections Open House to honor Black History Month at the Boston Public Library (Copley Square)
- 10:15 AM-12:00 PM - Foreign Affairs Discussions Group (Library)
- 1:00-1:30 PM - Sing, Move & Story - Psst! Kids ages 2-5: go find your grown-up and ask them to register you for this really fun, not-too-long event where you will get a free book to take home! (Library; Register)
- 3:00 PM - School - Policy Subcommittee - the group will review the social media policy, discuss digital use policies, continue the discussion about kindergarten age and first-grade entrance age policies, and begin an initial review of Buildings & Grounds maintenance. (BHS Business Office Conference Room)
- 5:00 PM - Shawsheen Policy Subcommittee - the main agenda item is the policy manual update with MASC. (Shawsheen)
- 6:30 PM - St. Patrick’s Wine & Sign Workshop - Get your spirits & your doors ready for the upcoming very green and fun holiday! Bring your friends—just make sure you grab your ticket before they are sold out! (Made in Burlington; Tickets)
- 7:00 PM - Board of Health will take a look at a permit request for Fractyl Health, review the environmental summary that was discussed at last week’s Hazardous Waste Cleanup form regarding the vicinity of Cambridge St and Terry Ave., talk about medical school at Lahey Hospital, and more. (Town Hall Main Hearing Room and Virtual)
- 7:00 PM - Capital Budget Committee will review the FY25 budget requests from the Recreation Dept. (Town Hall Annex)
- 7:00 PM - School Committee - The packed agenda will include several readings including school choice, social media policy, and others. There will be a discussion and vote on capital warrant articles, as well as updates on the Fox Hill and High School Building Committees. An executive session is on the agenda as well. (BHS School Committee Room and Virtual)
- 7:00 PM - Shawsheen School Committee will hold a public hearing and vote on the FY25 budget, as well as votes on the school physician contract renewal and the updated school calendar. The superintendent’s evaluation timeline will also be discussed. (Shawsheen)
Sports and Activities
Nothing in the calendar today, but hockey and basketball teams are surely preparing for their Round of 32 games later this week!
That’s all we’ve got for today. Have a great one, Burlington!
Share this Buzz with someone in Burlington who is still using bottled drinking water.