Daily Buzz | Town Meeting is Tonight
And Boys track wins D3 State Relays Championship

Good Morning, Burlington!
Not much has happened in Burlington since yesterday afternoon, and though I had grand plans for this morning’s Buzz, a certain 3-foot-tall member of my family had other plans. So, expect a double quarter pounder Buzz tomorrow with summary of Town Meeting as well as some running-for-office information, and consider this the calm before the storm.
I do have it on good authority that some of the more controversial Town Meeting articles are going to be postponed. I won’t get into details in case I’m wrong, but I’ll have more info for you tomorrow after Town Meeting happens.
Assuming my foggy brain allows me to focus on more than one thing at a time, you can follow live tweets of Town Meeting on Twitter.
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Today in Burlington
Meetings and Events
- 12:00 PM - Disability Access Commission, Grandview 2nd Floor Conference Room. They’ll talk about the open seat on the Commission and hear from Kelly Lehman about Therapeutic Recreation.
- 4:00 PM - Lego Club for grades K-6 at the library
- 5:00 PM - Select Board at Town Hall and online. The Select Board will vote tonight about whether or not to provide a letter of support for the controversial Winn View Heights II development that is proposed in the Winnmere area. They’ll also give an update on the electronic sign article and begin a discussion about the DEI Committee. Note the earlier start time - I’m sure this is to give time for Select Board to finish so the Board members and others can get to Town Meeting if needed.
- 7:00 PM - Town Meeting at BHS. For a summary of articles, see here. There are links to the actual warrant and backup here, too. Some of these will be postponed, and I’ll update the article with that information as I hear officially.
Sports and Activities
Our track teams showed at the D3 State Relays Championship this weekend, with boys taking the win and girls placing third. Boys medaled in 7 of 10 events. Great work, teams!
And, our Girls’ Varsity hockey team did end up winning against Wakefield, with a score of 5-1.
Today it’s just Varsity Boys’ Gymnastics at Newton North at 6PM. Good luck!
That’s it for today. I’ll see you tomorrow!