Daily Buzz | Town Boards, Abutters Express Concerns About Affordable Housing Project
And, Softball team to play in Final Four

Good Morning, Burlington!
This evening, the Select Board will reopen its public hearing regarding the proposed affordable senior housing development at 35 Mountain Road, known as Winn View Heights II. We’ve discussed this development at length, but here are the Cliffiest Cliff’s Notes in case you need a refresher.
History: The development was approved before the pandemic but there were concerns about the proposed access and it has since been moved.
Current concerns from the community: There are many, including the steep and winding access road, the amount of blasting and environmental impact, the difficulty of snow removal, and more. The Planning Board and Conservation Commission have both submitted letters outlining their concerns for this project, and many abutters and other community members have also spoken out against the project. You can read these letters and an email from a community member in the full meeting agenda.
For the Select Board’s part, the vote last time around was 2 yes, 1 no, and 1 abstain, with one member being absent. The subject was revisited because the proponent wanted to get a full Board vote, and while it was postponed last time it came up, Select Board Chair Mike Runyan seemed frustrated with the bylaw requiring 14 days’ notice online and 7 days’ detailed notice to abutters. He noted the bylaw is more strict for the Select Board than any other town Board and “seems intent on delaying and obstructing affordable housing opportunities for Burlington residents.”
So, it’s likely there will be a lot of discussion about the project this evening. What’s actually up for a vote is whether or not the Select Board will provide a letter of the support that the proponent can submit to the state with the project proposal. The state can approve the project without the Select Board’s letter, but the letter suggests the town’s desires, and the state does take those into consideration.
This item is on the agenda for 6:40, but the timing is always an estimate.
Today in Burlington
Meetings and Events
- 12:00 PM - Shawsheen Policy Subcommittee (virtual)
- 4:00 PM - Beginners Cross Stitch (library event, grades 3-8; Register)
- 6:00 PM - Select Board will vote to approve license transfers for 3 Dunkin’ Donuts locations in Burlington, provide a letter of support for the Information Systems Security Advisory Committee, pick back up the open hearing about the Winn View Heights II Development (see above), and more. (Town Hall and virtual)
- 6:00 PM - Eversource Electric Vehicle Webinar
- 6:30 PM - Burlington Club 50: Game Night at the library
- 7:00 PM - Beginner Origami for Adults and Teens at the library (Only 4 spaces left; register now!)
Sports and Activities
The Lady Devils softball team has made it to the Final Four in the state tournament! They’ll play #1 Seed Westfield in Worcester on Wednesday at 5:00.
See you tomorrow, Burlington!