Daily Buzz | Spotlight on School Committee
Take a moment to get to know your candidates today

Hey there,
I wasn’t able to make any meetings yesterday, but I did make it to the Town Center for a walk with Baby Buzz. Enjoy a pretty photo here, and more on Instagram.
Couple quick things today.
Write-in update
Quick update on write-ins. Susan Kadilak actually lives in Precinct 1 (not 7), and so has withdrawn her name. Long-time Town Meeting Member, Ernest Zabolotny, is running in Precinct 5. Ernie’s bio is on the article on write-ins, where I’ll also be posting info on other write-in hopefuls as it comes to me.
The rules from the Secretary of State website are simple:
All write-in or sticker votes should include the correct name and address of the candidates. Courts have ruled that a vote should be counted whenever the intent of the voter can reasonably be determined, even if a voter omits the candidate’s address or makes a mistake in the name or address.
It’s not too late to throw your hat in! (Or if you know someone who would do a good job, write them in! The worst they can do is say “No” when the Town Clerk calls them on the night of the election!)
Spotlight on School Committee
As we edge closer to the election, I want to give one last plug to learning about your candidates! Today we’ll talk about the three candidates (for two seats) for School Committee.
Incumbent Christine Monaco says her vision of a successful BPS embraces our town’s diversity while offering a well-rounded program of studies supported by amazing staff in a safe and welcoming environment.
Challenger Melissa Massardo says we need high-quality instruction that is equitable and inclusive, and a safe, healthy environment where students are excited to come to school each day.
Jeremy Brooks, the other challenger for the School Committee seat, says updated learning facilities and the right blend of traditional and technological learning methods will ensure students leave BHS prepared to pursue their passion, no matter what path that might take.
Click each candidate’s name to read more of their thoughts in their own words in the Burlington Equity Coalition Candidate Guide.
Burlington Today
Just a few meetings today.
- 10:00 AM - Ways & Means Subcommittee meets to review next year’s budget for Burlington Youth and Family Services.
- 6:30 PM - Housing Partnership meets for updates about the Housing Needs Assessment, Roger’s Piano proposed project, and a Coordinator Hiring Update, among other things. (Join vía Webex)
- 6:30 PM - Special Education Parent Advisory Council meets to discuss the budget, the MSMS schedule, and other items. (Join via WebEx)
- 7:30 PM - Board of Appeals meets to discuss the Joss & Main signage petition as well as one from Kohl’s to replace the sign with one that says “Kohl’s + Sephora.” (Join via WebEx)
Alright, I’m delirious, so I’m going to leave it here.
Have a great day, Burlington!