Daily Buzz | Signage Town Meeting Article Questions Clarified
Apologies for yesterday's confusion!

Hello! I hope you’re staying safe in this extreme weather.
It turns out I misunderstood some conversations I’d had about the signage amendments, as well as the information that was on the Town website for a bit. Sorry about that. I talked with some of our wonderful Zoning Bylaw Review Committee members yesterday and got some more clarity.
There are three sign bylaw articles that have been in the works in the Zoning Bylaw Review Committee for a bit:
- An amendment of the zoning bylaws which allows for two freestanding signs on the Town Common and for one of them to be electronic. This item is on the Warrant, and is Article 2; you can read it on pages 2 and 3 of the draft warrant here.
- An amendment of the zoning bylaws allowing for the creation of a Town Center Signage District that would establish a framework for the way signs look in said district. This one is still in the works and won’t make it to January Town Meeting. It requires an open hearing, as well, so you’ll hear more about it when that happens.
- A map of the aforementioned Signage District, which obviously will accompany the amendment when it eventually gets to Town Meeting.
Sorry for any confusion yesterday’s Buzz caused. I’ll update you when the warrant is finalized and when the backup is posted.
Today in Burlington
Meetings and Events
- BHS Wellness Day
- 10:00 AM Start Time - Reindeer Take-Home Craft at the Library (while supplies last)
Sports and Activities
Score Update
Girls and Boys both came out over Watertown yesterday at the Track at New Balance.
Varsity boys took their first loss this season against a strong Leominster team; final score: 55-44. Freshmen boys also fell 22-17. Varsity girls, though, took home their first win of the season last night at Malden Catholic, beating the Lancers 57-54.
I’m not seeing the results of the swim meet yet, but I’ll follow up tomorrow!
Today’s Schedule
Boys’ Gymnastics Alumni Meet from 7-10 PM tonight.
Friday Funny
This is apropos of every conversation I have with my middle-aged friends, especially those with kids.

That’s all I’ve got for today. I hope you have a lovely Friday. Be careful out there!