Daily Buzz | Signage Requests to be Discussed at Board of Appeals
And, will the Sculpture Park be holding an autumn event?

Good morning!
I was so busy enjoying time with my family and editing podcasts yesterday that I didn’t get a chance to draft the Buzz for today. So this is a super quick one.
Today in Burlington
Just 2 meetings on the agenda today, with nothing else official going on as far as I know.
- 4:00 PM - Sculpture Park Committee meets to discuss the new installations, the site work that’s been going on (there has been some prep for the new sculptures - have you seen it?), and the Select Board decision from a few weeks ago. I assume this is about the permanency of the Sculpture Park in its current location, as the Committee has funds from Town Meeting to make improvements but is hesitant to use them unless they have some guarantee of being able to stay in that location. They’ll also be discussing an autumn event - looking forward to hearing more about this! (Join via Webex)
- 7:30 PM - Board of Appeals meets to discuss petitions for signs from Liquor Market at 157 Bedford Street and Common Craft, located at the mall.
That’s it for today. See you tomorrow,