Daily Buzz | Select Board to Vote on Hybrid Town Meeting
And a reminder about the Community Preservation Act

Good morning!
Quick correction from yesterday - You already knew this, and so did I, but we have seven precincts. Not 12. No clue where that number came from, but brains are funny things.
Couple of other things, too:
Community Preservation Act
You’ve probably heard a lot about this if you’ve been reading the Buzz regularly or going to any of the meetings around town. But just in case you haven’t, the Community Preservation Act (CPA) is a program into which more than half of the state’s municipalities are enrolled. It imposes a small tax surcharge (around $75/year average, and can be waived in certain cases) to feed a fund that provides funding (which is partially matched by the state) for things like historical preservation, open space, recreation, and affordable housing.
The CPA will be on the warrant this May, but Town Meeting won’t be voting on whether or not to levy the tax surcharge. Rather, Town Meeting will only be voting on whether or not to place a referendum on the November ballot so all voters can decide whether or not to join the CPA. So that’s what all these CPA presentations have been around town - members of the committee raising awareness in support of the warrant article to place a ballot measure on the November ballot. Of course, the committee will surely be lobbying residents to vote in favor of joining the CPA assuming the warrant article passes, but that’s not what’s on the table right now.
Other Upcoming Events
I didn’t include all these in the weekly, because I didn’t have (mental or digital) real estate, and because I knew I was forgetting some. I still know I’m forgetting some, so if you know of an event that’s coming up that I haven’t listed here (especially on Friday April 29), just give me a holler.
- April 27, 5:30-7:00 PM - Community Dinner, sponsored by the Burlington Presbyterian Church
- April 30 - Community Garage Sale!
- May 1 - Walk for Hunger
- May 21 - Health Fair
- May 24 - HELPIS fundraiser
- June 26 - New date for Pride
Today in Burlington
Two meetings today, but lots of bang for the proverbial buck.
- 12:00 PM - Disability Access Commission meets for a presentation about the Community Preservation Act, a discussion about therapeutic recreation, and an update about the handicap parking violation fine fund.
- 6:00 PM - Select Board meets with a very full agenda. I’m not going to do it justice, so you should just click the link, but here are a couple highlights: A recognition of the DPW during DPW appreciation week, along with a proclamation for Steve Nugent’s Karate School for 30 years in business; some police appointments, promotions, and approvals; voting on some zoning warrant articles for Town Meeting; voting on hybrid town meeting; a proclamation about Armenian genocide commemoration, and still more. (Join via Webex)
That’s it for today, friends. Have a great day!